For your own good

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Prompt - Jay takes the blame for something Nath did since he hates seeing Nath in pain. Nath lets jay but soon feels guilty after a day or so and comes clean. Tom and Max are angry that Nath would do something like that so they spank Nath for not telling the truth and for letting Jay take his punishment, but also they add another punishment something besides spanking something embarrassing so that Nath remembers to never to something like that again (idk what maybe corner time with his bare bum showing or Tom and Max tell Nath that he's going to have bedtime spankings for a week but Nath himself has to go to one of them and ask for the spanking)


Nathan was the baby of the band. The boys totally loved him and they also spoilt him. But loving and spoiling him doesn’t mean that the boys would let him get away with any misbehavior or bad act. The boys would rather discipline Nathan than let him be a brat. Tom and Max were usually the one who would keep Nathan in the line while Jay and Siva tended to be the most lenient ones. Specially Jay, he hated causing Nathan pain even if it is for Nathan’s best. This was Jay’s weakest point when it came to Nathan.

Nathan knew not to touch Tom’s guitar. Recently, when Tom’s brother came over, he had gifted Tom a guitar. Tom had grown much attached to that guitar and the boys knew not to mess with the guitar since it was priceless. But Nathan was too curious for his own good. He sneaked in Tom’s room one day and picked the guitar up, playing and just humming along when suddenly he heard footsteps approaching. Thinking it was Tom; Nathan threw the guitar behind the bed and waited for the footsteps to come closer. “Nath?” came a voice.

Nathan was visibly nervous but he relaxed slightly when he saw that it was Jay. “What are you doing here, Nath?” Jay asked. “Oh Jay, you scared me. I thought it was Tom.” Nathan sighed. “And what were you doing like that to be so scared that Tom will catch you?” Jay asked. “I- I- I was just messing around” Nathan said. “Messing around with what?” Jay asked. “With Tom’s guitar” Nathan admitted. “Nath, you know not to touch that.” Jay scolded. “I’m sorry” Nathan said, tears already filled in his eyes. “Where’s the guitar?” Jay asked. “I threw it behind the bed” Nathan said. Jay walked behind the bed and gasped when he saw the guitar. “Nath, the guitar is broken in two” Jay gasped. “What?” Nathan said, as he walked to where he had thrown the guitar. “Oh God” Nathan gasped.

Nathan burst in tears as he saw that he had indeed broken the guitar. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” Nathan sobbed. “Nath” Jay sighed as hugged Nathan, “calm down baby.” “Tom’s going to kill me” Nathan cried. “He’s not going to kill you, buddy. But he is certainly going to spank you” Jay said. “He is going to punish me badly. I know. Tom really loves the guitar. And now I broke it. So, he is going to hit hard, I know” Nathan sobbed harder. If Jay had thought well, he would have known that Tom wouldn’t really hit Nathan like that but Jay also thought that since the guitar meant a lot to Tom, he might really punish Nathan too hard. “Hey, baby, listen to me. I’ll take the blame for this, alright.” Jay said. Nathan was about to argue but Jay shushed him. “Listen, he’ll punish you badly for this so let me take the blame. Maybe I can talk him out of the punishment. Okay? So, it’s me who broke the guitar and not you” Jay said. Nathan didn’t protest this time, he just continued crying in Jay’s arms.

After Nathan had cried himself to sleep, Jay carried Nathan to his room. Jay knew there was no talking Tom out of the punishment. Tom was very strict in these things. You do the crime, you do the time! After about three hours when Tom, Max and Siva returned, Tom went to his room and as he entered the room, he spotted his broken guitar. “Nathan! Jay! Both you come down right now” Tom said as he took his broken guitar and went down. Both Nathan and Jay hurried to go down. “Which one of you broke my guitar?” Tom asked.

Baby of The Band - The Wanted spanking ficWhere stories live. Discover now