Hope [10]

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Y/n stood there staring at the two figures before her. Never in her life did she think she would see the original founder, Ymir Fritz. The one who started it all.

"Y/n," Eren spoke breaking her out of her thoughts, "tell me why you are here."

Y/n approaches her husband and Ymir. Ymir didn't bother to look at her as Y/n reached them.

"I-I-I wanted to s-see you Eren. To t-tell you..." Y/n's voice trailed off as she was caught off guard by the current situation. She wanted to talk to Eren but did not expect to be brought to the paths of all places.

"Y/n what do you want." Eren snapped turning towards her looking irritated. "You kept calling for me and wouldn't stop. It was distracting. Can't you see our time is over. This is the end. I have to finish what I started." He bit the bottom of his lip at his statement. His eyes were full of sadness. Y/n could tell he didn't mean any of what he just said. He was trying to ease the situation. If anything, it was obvious that Eren was hurting.

"Eren. I understand what you are trying to do, and while I don't agree with your choice I had to talk to you." Y/n takes in a deep breath as she continues, "You left before I got the chance to tell y-", she stops mid-sentence noticing Ymir eyeing her.

Y/n looks down at the little girl. Her heart felt like it was being stabbed through her chest.

She must have been here for a while...alone...longing for freedom.

Eren once told her the story about Ymir's life.

Y/n kneels down to eye level with the girl. She could hear Eren in the background asking what she was doing and why she was wasting their time. Y/n immediately blocked him out as she focused on Ymir.

"I'm sorry. You must be so lonely here." Y/n says in a soft voice. The statement caught the girl's attention as she turns her head to face Y/n.

Y/n smiles at her. "You are a very pretty girl. I know your story from Eren. It must be sad being a slave for your whole life, and to continue being one even after you passed on."

Tears began to flow out of Y/n's eyes. "I am sorry for how the outside world abused your power. Not just the Eldians, but the whole world. No one understands the true pain you are facing. You've been here this whole time longing to be free. You want freedom don't you? To finally be at peace?"

Ymir nods her head as this is all she can communicate. "And no one except Eren can achieve that for you? You have been waiting for him all this time because you saw that 2,000 years ago?" The girl lowers her head looking at the ground guilt ridden on her face. Y/n could tell what she was thinking.

"Then please Ymir. I beg of you. Once you are free, let Eren live. Let Eren and the others live free. They have all been slaves to the titan powers for so long. I know what the Attack titan tells Eren. I know it shows him the future. I know it yearns for freedom. It's your freedom. So please, Ymir, please...let my husband and the other shifters be free from this curse. Let them live long happy lives."

Y/n could feel the emotions over take her. Her body felt the adrenaline rushing through her veins. She adverted her gaze away from the girl closing her eyes as she worked up the courage give her final plea.

"As a mother...please let Eren live to see his child born. Let him live a life where he is no longer a slave. Let him be there to see our child be brought into this world, and to grow into adulthood. Let him live the freedom he deserves!"

Y/n continued to sob as a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She felt liberated. Even if she didn't tell Eren directly, she could feel his eyes piercing into her crouched form.

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