Once More [42]

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The sounds of bustling from the kitchen could be heard as Eren makes his way down the stairs towards the commotion. It was early in the morning approximately 7 AM.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" He hears his daughter ask as he enters the room.

Carla was sitting at the table munching on her breakfast watching her mother prepping food. Jacob was up as well situated in his little play pen on the floor closer to the living room.

Eren walks over to the pen finding his son lying flat on his back. His tiny teal eyes were wide open alert of the commotion. When a shadow casts over him, turning his world slightly darker, he looks up giving a cheeky smile upon seeing his father.

His son's smile stirred many butterflies in Eren's stomach; the same feeling he had experienced before when Carla was that small.

Shortly after Eren's 25th birthday, Y/n had begun to feel nauseous. She first took notice when her stomach turned at the smell of hamburger's being cooked causing her to make a beeline for the bathroom.

When Y/n made the connection about her pregnancy she decided to have a little fun in telling Eren the surprise this time.

First, she tried putting bread in the oven. She'd ask Eren to open the door and he was puzzled by why there was cooked bread still in the oven. Attempt 1: failed.

On the second try Y/n decided to pull out Carla's old baby clothes and neatly organize them. She had timed it perfectly to location in the living room and when Eren would return him from work. He only commented that it was good to organize them then taking his leave upstairs to shower. Attempt 2: failed.

Other attempts were of Y/n eating different foods at random times like cake for breakfast, or pickles with peanut butter. Or having Carla draw a family of 4 instead of 3 on her piece of paper. Still nothing though.

Y/n had grown frustrated in her husband's cluelessness that she blurted out to him one evening when they were sitting on the couch watching tv.

Eren was going on about how Y/n eating habits were being weird as of late, not cluing in about the actual reason. Y/n had enough and snapped at her husband saying, "For goodness sake's Eren I'm pregnant!", before stomping off to the kitchen.

He sat on the couch momentarily, eyes-wide as he put two-and-two together regarding all the attempts Y/n was trying to convey. He felt like an idiot for not noticing sooner. He stood up and rushed over to where Y/n had gone picking her up and spinning her in the air in excitement.

The pregnancy was a little harder than the last with Carla. Y/n felt sick more often and was ordered to take it easy by the doctors. When it came time for the birth it was easy as the first thankfully.

They agreed to let Eren choose the name since Y/n picked out Carla's. He remembered once in Marley a mother calling out to her son who was playing on the streets. Eren watched intently thinking how it would be Y/n with their own son. He liked the sound of 'Jacob Yeager', although it is 'Jacob L/n' that their child was born with instead. It didn't matter his last name though; their son was through and through a Jacob the minute he was brought into this world.

Eren smiles down below at his little boy. He had his eyes, but Y/n's h/c hair. Y/n felt he looked more like Eren, but all he could see was her in his son from the shape of his nose to the smile he would give did remind him of Y/n in more ways than one.

"Hey buddy." Eren coos as his infant son. He reaches his hand down to tickle his belly erupting many giggles from Jacob at the sensation. "Here comes the tickle monster!" He adds as he continued tickling his belly.

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