Stuff [34]

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It had been approximately one month since Eren and Y/n had arrived to their new home. Y/n was working part time at the café, and had been getting along great with Barbara. Eren had started working with Wyatt two weeks ago, and was slowly getting used to his new job. He had gotten much stronger since they had arrived; almost back to his normal strength from before. He was also finding the work quite enjoyable.

It was a fairly warm afternoon as Eren can trudging through the front door. "I'm home." He says as he goes to remove his shoes. He was meet with silence guessing that Y/n was out.

He heads down towards their bedroom wanting to take shower. As he walks by the door of the first bedroom to the right he spots a figure standing in the room.

A questioning looked formed on his face as he opens the bedroom door more. His eyes were met with long h/c hair hanging loose around their shoulders as he realized it was Y/n.

"What are you doing in here?" He asks her.

Y/n gaze shifts over her shoulder to find him standing at the door. The look of worry had donned on her face.

Eren immediately takes notice to her concern as he rushes over to her wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Hey, what's wrong." He says gently soothing her by rubbing her shoulders.

"Eren..." She starts. "The baby is going to be here in 3 months and we don't have anything for her. Nothing! Not even a crib!" She whirls around so her body was now facing him. In one hand she held a small white piece of paper. "What are we going to do! There is so much we need, and there is nothing!" Her eyes start watering with frustration.

"Hey, hey, hey." He whispers softly to her as he gently lowers her arms down to her sides. He then starts to rub her shoulders again in attempt to sooth her fluctuating emotions. "We have time. Three months is still long ways away."

He then snatches the piece of paper from her hand and reading it over. The writing style indicated this was the list Martha gave Y/n before they left to come here.





The list goes one with at least 20 more items.

"Were both off this weekend. So let's start getting some of these items crossed off." He states as he folds the list placing it into his pocket then going to place his hands back on her shoulders. "Ok? Will get this done. Don't worry." He reassures her.


"So when is your baby due anyway?" Wyatt asks Eren as the two sat on top of a roof they had been working on. The two decided to take a short break to drink some water. Eren had brought up Y/n's freak out the other day about not having anything for the baby.

Eren sat with his knees propped up slightly while his arms rested on top. "Three months." He takes a drink of water feeling the cool liquid hit his mouth. "And we don't have anything. I have a list of what we need, but I am not sure where to go. I told Y/n that we'd try to get some stuff this weekend."

Eren sighs in frustration knowing that he was going to mess up a huge promise he made to her.

Wyatt took notice of his frustration. "You guys have got plenty of time. But I guess it is never too early to get a head start. I remember my wife doing the same thing before our son was born. We literally got everything a week before he arrived."

"You have a wife and son?" Eren asks questioningly as it was the first time he had ever heard his boss mention this.

"I did...a long time ago." Wyatt responds awkwardly posing more questions to Eren on his past. "You mentioned that you have a list?" Wyatt quickly changes the subject.

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