Motivator [35]

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"Y/n! Wyatt's out front. I'm heading out now." Eren shouts while putting on his shoes.

Y/n emerges from the kitchen holding a bag in her hand. She had now reached her 9th month of her pregnancy meaning the baby could arrive any day. Her belly was quite round, and her gait had become slightly wobbly in attempt to keep herself steady at nine months pregnant.

"I have your lunch all ready." She says handing him the bag.

"Thank you." He replies taking the bag from her. He shifted the weight back and forth between his feet before finally asking, "You sure you're ok with me going today?" He asks.

It was a Saturday. Eren usually had the weekends off, but this week was different. Wyatt was working on a project in another nearby town, and the deadline was getting close. Having been impressed with the work over the last three months he asked Eren to join him to finish the final touches.

At first Eren wasn't sure whether he should go given that Y/n could have the baby at any point. Wyatt understood his reasoning, but ensured that if Eren were to change his mind that he would be welcomed. After some pushing and Y/n's encouragement he decided to go.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. Barbara will be coming by later, and said she's bringing company with her. Plus, I feel pretty good today." Eren still had the look of doubt written on his face. Y/n puts her hands on either side of his face. "Go. I'll be fine." She says firmly.

Eren accepts that he will go regardless. He leans down giving her a peck on the lips. "Don't have the baby while I'm gone. Got it?" He says and Y/n nods. He then goes down to his knees and kisses her belly. "Don't you show up until papa gets home. Ok little one?" He says softly to her belly. Placing a hand on top he feels a light kick hit the palm of his hand making him smile.

Meanwhile, Y/n's stomach was doing flips inside and out. She could feel her baby kick the second Eren spoke. Her heart melted at the sight below.

Eren stands up once more giving Y/n another kiss before heading out the front door. "I should be back around 2." He says as he leaves.

"Ok sounds good. Have a good day!" Y/n shouts back to him.

Eren makes his way towards where Wyatt was parked. Today, he was driving a truck that was filled with materials in the back for what they needed.

Eren opens the door on the passenger side and steps in. "Morning." He greets his boss.

"Morning." Wyatt responds as he shifts the gears putting the car into drive. "Ready to work? Not much left on this project, but it will be a bit of a drive today."

Eren nods his head. "Sounds good to me."

The truck then pulls out of the driveway and heads out to their destination.


A couple hours after Eren left a knock erupted from the front door. Y/n goes to open it revealing Barbara, a younger woman, and a little girl next to her.

"Hello Barbara. Nice to have you here today." Y/n greets them and she steps aside to let them inside.

"Were happy to be here. This is my niece Susan, and her daughter Sydney." Barbara responds.

Y/n had learned from Barbara recently that she was married, but her husband died not too long ago. They never had children during their marriage.

She had a niece named Susan through who sister who had her daughter quite young named Sydney. During the summer time, Sydney would come to town to visit her grandparents. This past year she was old enough to help in the café during the tourist season.

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