Unexpected Help [16]

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As Y/n falls from the sky, she adjusts her ODM gear to her target. Releasing the cable, it attaches to one of the long bones along the side. As she lands on the bone she starts looking around for anything blue color that would indicate a titan crystal.

Searching and searching and searching...

Where is he? Y/n thought to herself.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees a large titan coming at her. It had scales covering its entire body. She readies to maneuver away from the titan to another bone, but the titans large hand was coming faster than she could move.

Another large hand suddenly appears from the other direction hitting the scale covered titan sending it flying a couple hundred meters back.

Y/n directs her gaze towards the titan that saved her. The titan was large and muscular with pointed ears, long dark brown hair with a beard.

Do I know him? She gazes at the titan feeling some sort of familiarity about him.

Another titan with armour suddenly comes towards Y/n, but was blocked by the one who saved her. Y/n took the opportunity to release her hooks and jump to another bone.

She looks back at the two titans fighting each other. The one that saved her was struggling to keep the other one away.

She could hear the grunts and huffs the titan was making. It turns its gaze towards Y/n and she hears a deep scratchy voice, "Go...now." He says as he continues struggling. "Save...my...son..." He then turns back to the titan he was fighting and lets out a full attack.

"Your son?" Y/n repeats his words with slight confusion. Her eyes widen as it clicked who is that titan.

Grisha Yeager.

Y/n leaves the fighting to him as she turns towards the direction Grisha told her to follow. She could see ahead a body like structure resembling shoulders that was perpendicular to the spine.

He might be down there.

Before Y/n could go further another titan's hand suddenly comes down towards her. It grabs Y/n around her body and jumps down to the floor of the spine.

"Ahh let me go you stupid bastard!" Y/n screams as she struggles to free her blades so she could cut the titans hand. The titan turned her towards it so now she was facing it. Y/n noticed it was a titan with the pig head.

A former beast? Y/n thought as she kept struggling to get out of its grasp.

Shit shit shit. I can't move. I can't get my blades out at all!

The air started to feel humid around her as Y/n looked up to see the pig had opened its mouth drawing Y/n closer and closer.

Y/n's entire body went into shock. She couldn't move a muscle.

So this is the end huh?

I am never going save Eren.

The titan brought her small body closer and closer to the mouth.

Everyone was right. I should've just stayed behind.

Suddenly a small titan figure jumped onto the back of the pig titan, sinking its teeth into its nape. The grip around Y/n's body began to loosen, and she managed to get her blades free. Using a technique taught to her by Captain Levi, she spun the blades around the titan's hand cutting through the fingers, which fell to the ground.

Y/n release on of her hooks to the near bone to let her land safely on the floor. Taking a deep breath in and out, Y/n begins to regain her composure.

I seriously considered giving up.

She looks down to her belly and puts at hand to her stomach.

Sorry little one.

Her thoughts are broken when a large shadow appears behind Y/n sending chills down her spine. Slowly she turns her head towards the titan.

Without thinking Y/n turns her entire body fully facing the titan. She was left agape at which titan, or rather, who is the titan.

In front of Y/n was a smaller titan as it crouched down to her level. It had semi-long brown hair with female-like features. Its jaw spread across over half of its face barring its strong sharp teeth. Its nails were also long and sharp making it easy to cut through anything.

Y/n's face begins to relax at the sight. This was not the first time Y/n had meet this titan.

"Ymir, it's good to see you again." Y/n smiles at her friend standing before her.

Ymir nods her head then says, "Get...on." Gesturing for her to get on the Jaws back.

Y/n obliges to Ymir's request as she climbing onto the back of the titan. She releases her hooks into the skin to secure herself. Once Ymir knew Y/n was secured, she takes off running on both her hands and feet.

"Where are you taking me Ymir?" Y/n asks urgently.

"To...him." Ymir responds.

Y/n was surprised and puzzled by Ymir's actions. She was close with Y/n, but never showed any remorse to Eren. So why now of all times?

The titan continues running towards their goal. A figure catches the corner of Y/n's eye as she towards to look. Standing at the top she sees a little blonde girl standing on top of the rib. Y/n blinks a couple of times to find the girl is now gone.

Was that my imagination? She wondered.

Ymir suddenly stops at the edge of the spine where it drops down towards the body. Y/n releases her hooks and gets off Ymir. She looks down at the scenery below. Extending from the body was a long tail. Y/n turned around and noticed no titans were chasing them. Grisha and possibly others may be holding them off.

Y/n turns her gaze back to Ymir who is staring her her intently. "Why are you helping me?" Y/n finally works up the courage to ask.

Ymir blinks a couple of times looking at Y/n.

"Because..." Her voice speaks out.






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