For Old Times Sake [48]

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Supper was held on the patio just outside the kitchen screen door. A large 8-person table was decorated with plates, cutlery, glasses, and napkins.

Everyone had seated themselves at the table. Eren sat at one end while Armin was on the other directly across from him. Y/n was seated to her husband's right followed by Connie and then Annie. Mikasa was to Eren's left followed by Jean.

The meal included a garden salad, mashed potatoes with gravy, an array of roasted vegetables, and a large roast beef at the center. It was mouthing watering upon the aroma's that aerated from the beef. A couple bottles of red wine were also perched at either end ready to be poured for all except Mikasa, who was currently stuck to drinking water instead.

"I gotta say, Y/n, your cooking is just as good as I remember." Connie says before taking another bite of the beef.

"Thank you, Connie." Y/n replies smiling.

She peers around the table looking at each of her friends as they continue indulging in the food. Her eyes fell to Eren whom seemed content with how his evening turned out.

At least he is happy. She thinks to herself smiling at her husband.

The group continued conversing with each other over various things. Eren shared how their life is going with the kids and their jobs.

"My boss might give me my own team to run next year." Eren says. Wyatt was so impressed with Eren's work and dedication that he felt confident enough to let him take on his own jobs.

"That's great Eren. You were good at building things back home like the train tracks." Armin was referring to when the Survey Corps had spent countless days building the railroad tracks on Paradise. The task was simple, but the agonizing heat made it unbearable at times.

"But isn't construction super dangerous too?" Mikasa asks her adopted brother. "I know houses aren't too bad, but large buildings are so common outside of paradise."

Eren knew Mikasa was referring to the high-rise offices in the larger cities that could range anywhere from 30 to 50 stories. "It's not all bad Mikasa. There are training courses you can take to run the equipment. I'm mainly going to focus on housing and small buildings."

"Sounds like this job can be a bit of a suicide mission." Jean chimes in shifting Eren's attention.

Suicide? Y/n thought as she took notice of the gleam in Jean's eyes.

Don't tell me...

Her thought was broken as Jean continued, "You've always been a suicidal maniac anyway, so maybe this career is good for you." The definite smirk forming on Jean's face was enough for Y/n and everyone else to confirm what he was trying to do.

Y/n peers over to her husband who was taking a sip of wine seemingly unbothered by Jean's remark.

Or so she thought.

"Ahh yes, the life of a construction worker can be a bit of a suicide mission." Eren puts his glass down and turns his gaze towards Jean. "But I also know the life of a horse can be rough too." He pauses noticing Jean cringe at the word 'horse'. "Hey Jean, seems like that mane of yours has finally grown out enough to match that horse-face of yours." Eren is now smirking as he dished it back to Jean.

Everyone around them had to stop eating dreading what might occur next knowing their history.

"Ha looks like Yeager finally came out of his shell. Still full of shit though." Jean laughs as he continues to egg Eren on.

The remark pushes Eren to stand from his seat, "I may be full of shit, but at least I don't look like a horse!", He exclaims lightly slamming his hands on the table.

Without You (Eren x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora