Arrival [36]

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One may think that a 30-minute drive would not be long, but Eren found it to be the longest 30 minutes of his life. He sat in the passenger seat of Wyatt's truck tapping the top of his knee while his leg kept bouncing up and down.

He was worried about Y/n being all alone. He didn't want to go to work earlier, something deep down was telling him to stay home, but she encouraged him to go.

Many questions were running through his head. Was she still in labor? Did the baby arrive without him? Were they both ok? All these questions and concerns were flowing through Eren as they got closer and closer to the hospital.

Wyatt could tell Eren was anxious. It was only a few hours ago they were talking about Eren's doubts about becoming a father, and now he was going to become just that.

The hospital soon comes into view as Wyatt makes a turn for the parking lot, parking, and then turning off the engine.

The two men slowly exit out of the vehicle and make their way towards the hospital entrance.

Eren could feel the beads of sweat form on his skin as the distance between the hospital entrance and himself shortens. He was beyond nervous. His whole life had changed in the last 3 months, and now it was about to do another 180.

He felt like he was in a dream. A dream he yearned for so long that was now real. The thing he wanted for so long was now becoming his reality. He was getting the thing he wanted most in the world after freedom from the walls and titans. He was getting a family.

Eren was lost in his thoughts that he now takes notice he is standing just 10 feet away from the front desk.

Wyatt could sense Eren was still in shock and decided to greet the receptionist. "Hello" He says to the lady behind the desk. "We're looking for Y/n L/n. She came here not too long ago in labor. I brought her husband with me. I'm his boss."

The woman nods. "Yes. I will call the nurse down for you. Have a seat." She gestures the two men towards the chairs while they waited.

They both take a seat as they waited for the nurse to arrive. Eren's gaze shifted towards the ground as he remained quiet.

"How yah feeling buddy?" Wyatt asks in attempt to calm him.

"I don't's just a lot right now." Eren replies while still looking at the ground.

"Eren L/n?" A female voice fills the air.

Both Eren and Wyatt spring from their seats to look for the owner of the voice. The shifted to the left to find a nurse standing.

"I'm Eren. Where is my wife? Is everything ok?" Eren asks as he speed-walks to the nurse in a hurry.

The nurse she raises her hands to silently tell Eren to relax. "She's fine. She delivered successfully 4 hours ago." The nurse pauses momentarily before smiling. "Congratulations, you are the father of a healthy 7.5 lb baby girl."

Upon hearing those last set of words, Eren felt the tension lift from him. His shoulders and face both began to relax.

A girl. Just like Y/n said...Ymir was right.

His lips quiver slightly as he could feel his eyes begin to water. He felt relieved.

"I'm sure your anxious to go see them? They're both sleeping right now, but it should be fine." Eren nods as him and Wyatt begin to follow the nurse down the hall to a set of elevators. The step inside as the nurse hits the 3rd floor.

During the short ride the nurse brought Eren up to speed on how the birth went and what has happened so far.

The elevator soon stops as the nurse steps out, and the men follow behind down the hall.

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