Rikuen [5]

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Y/n and Eren began their decent down the hill heading towards Rikuen village.

The village was quite small with a population of only 30 people. She had not been back to the village since her and Eren got married. There was a lot that had changed in the time they had been away.

She stops at the entrance waiting as Eren caught up to her. "It seems like it's gotten bigger since we were last here." She said turning to look at him. He nodded in agreement. Eren reaches out with his hand beckoning her to hold it. Y/n extends her own to grab his, but suddenly gasps covering her mouth and face turning bright red.

"Eren! What's wrong with you!" She exclaimed at the titan shifter. Eren stood there dumbfounded unable to figure out what he did this time.

"You don't have a shirt!" He looks down at his upper body realizing that Floch only gave him a jacket, leaving his chest bare.

Eren smirked looking back at Y/n. "What? Don't you like what you see love?" He said knowing it would fluster her. Naturally it worked like a charm as Y/n's face deepened in color at the use of her pet name.

"That's not the point Eren! This is a public place. There are children here." She said as she started fiddling around with the jacket. "Come on love you don't need to start fondling me. If you wanted me so badly we could've done it up on the hill before coming down here. It wouldn't be the first time." Eren smirked continuing to tease her further.

Y/n's head shot up with a look of annoyance. "I'm looking for the zipper or buttons to cover you. Are there even any on this thing! Ugh! You can walk around naked when we get to the cottage for all I care." She replied ignoring his last comment.

Eren then leans his head down, his lips grazed her ear as he whispered "Only if you will walk around naked with me...love." He starts kissing her neck but was cut short when Y/n lightly pushes away walking past him. "Aww come on Y/n I was only teasing." Eren said turning around to follow after her.

"You've waited 2 months...you can wait another couple hours." Y/n replied sharply.

"Feels more like an eternity..." Eren mumbled under his breath.

"Well come on then. The faster we move, the faster you get what you want!"

"What about my shirt?"

"I think I know who can help us." Y/n said as they entered the village.

They continued up ahead was the main market street. A small one, but there were smaller villages nearby that would come to Rikuen for food. They turned onto the market street. It was quiet at this time of the week with only a few people lingering. Y/n knew they would be coming here anyway to get food for however long they were staying.

Firstly, she had to find something to cover Eren, and she knew exactly who could help.

They finally reached the stand that they needed to be. The sign over it said "Butcher Shop". There was a long bench in the front with different meats but also some vegetables. A man looking to be in his mid 50's had their backs to them as he was sharpening his blade.

"Miles!" Y/n shouted to him.

The man turned around to see who shouted his name. He was muscular build, his face was slightly plump, and hair short light brown mixed with gray. His eyes turned excited as he realized who called for him.

"Well look who we got here!" His deep voice rang out as he puts his blades down and walks over. "If it isn't the Yeager's! I don't think you guys have been back here since yah two ran off and got married, or was it yah got married then ran off?" He laughed at his own joke.

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