Carmen POV (with a broken car, and a bad driver)

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It was about 1 minute before the car started swerving, right to left, and the car started speeding enough to give us 5 tickets. We went onto a highway. Many cars went fast, but we were the fastest, and not in a good way.

"Devineaux, I thought you said you could drive?" I say, in frustration. We were gonna be pulled over. I already knew it.

"I can! It's just... This car is not my style!" He said keeping his eyes glued to the wheel. I rolled my eyes. Who knows how many cars he's trashed. I look in front of us.

"There!" I yell as a car swerves to avoid our contact. When they pass by us, they don't say anything pretty.

"Devineaux, can you get a grip!" I yell as we zoom through the roads, turning left, then right. Cars kept swerving around us and trying to avoid a blow to their vehicles.

"You don't even know how hard I'm gripping this steering wheel! I am starting to have no feeling in my finger tips!" He yelled as we went faster. The wind was flowing in our hair, as I read a sign that said "60 speed limit". Well we ignored that.

"Can you slow down!" I yell over the wind blasting my ears.

"This is a new model!" He yelled louder so I could hear him. "Why do people have to make things so fancy." He mumbled, but loud enough that I could hear. Devineaux pressed on the brakes to make the car go slower, but I could tell they didn't work from his expression.

"They were working this morning!" He yelled as I tried to suggest ideas to him. He stomped on the brakes with his foot more times than I could count.

"Will you please stop breaking the brakes!" I yelled

"They are already broken." He said back. I didn't know when we left the freeway and were in a town. The world flew by too fast. We saw a car in front of us, red like blood.

"Ahhhhhh" We both yelled and braced ourselves.

There was a collision. Our car and the others met like a kiss. Dust emitted from the collision and I could tell, we were not getting to the airport. I opened my closed eyes to see Devineaux still closing his. The airbag had come out and I patted them down.

"Well good going Devineaux!" I say, carefully taking off the glass on my lap. I open the remnants of the car door and walk out, inspecting myself. A few scratches on my face and hands, but nothing I couldn't handle. Devineaux looked the same. Thank God the glass hadn't seen severe damage. I inspected the damage next, Agent Devineaux was now out of the car and doing the same. I went up to the person in the car. They had a grey t-shirt on and a blue jacket. It looked familiar somehow.

"Hey, sorry about that, the driver's a joke." I say looking at Devineaux. The person got out of the car door and was right in front of me.

"No, no, it's fine. Are you okay-" Our eyes met. Well... I did know this person... it was Gray

The next chapter is probably going to be the last 😖😫😭, so I am going to be updating later in the evening. You can expect the last chapter to release at around 5:00. Got to make it extra special for y'all! 

After the last chapter, I'm going to do a celebration, where I'll shout readers out , and stuff like that. I already have some people in mind to shout out (you know who you are... or you will) , but I would like to know some other readers that I have! If you want to have a shout out, then you are welcome to comment on here that you do, and I will add you to the list. I love you guys so much and I want you to know how much I appreciate you!



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