Carmen POV (henlo my chimichumgas)

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I opened the door and found a tall boy with brown hair and a grin that could never be matched.

"Hey, Gray." I opened the door to let him in and led him to my room.

"What's up?" I sit in my turny chair by my desk. I spin around a bit as he leans on the door rim.

"I have to tell you something." He looked down to his shoes and I could sense that he was a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" I ask, a little nervous myself now. He sighed and started to speak.

"I got a job at the Sydney Opera House." He stopped and looked at me to see my reaction. I was trying to process. If Gray wasn't here anymore, what would it do to our relationship.

"I knew this would be your reaction. Stupid Graham, stupid." He mumbled and looked away from me. I felt my face turn into a slight frown.I tried to keep myself smiling.

"Look, I'll turn them down. I'll just have to find a job here... Maybe I'll work at that flower shop! Yes, brilliant! Though pink is not my color, I will do it for you! BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT LOVE IS!!! I felt myself laughing a little.

"I'm serious." He said, his face trying to look impassive.

"No, Gray... This is an amazing opportunity for you and... you should go." It hurt to say the word go. But, I will not let myself get in the way of Gray's future.

"Really Carmen?" He asked, his face showing a slight grin. I nodded my head and as it bobbed up and down, I realized what this would mean. Gray's not going to be here anymore. I saw the huge smile on his face as he came in to give me a hug. He was worth it though.

AWWWW, we all love a good romance. 

FUN FACT: I myself have a turny chair lol

Thanks for reading!!! You guys have got me SO far in this writing and I cannot thank you enough. I have gotton follows, comments, and votes and it just makes the world a better place.Stay safe! 

-Queenie (─‿‿─)

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