Carmen POV (Drama at it's finest)

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Abby looked worried. Gray looked sorry. And I couldn't even imagine my angry look. My dripping mascara. And just like a movie, it started to rain. And pour. But that was what our story was. Me and Gray. A movie. And it was about to become a horror movie for him.

"Carmen, I can explain-"

"I don't want your explanation!" I yelled, my voice crinkled from the tears.

"And I definitely don't want you! You can't even tell me you have an Ex! I mean Gray, you left her for V.I.L.E!" Every word came out like fire, each a direct hit to Gray. And I could tell he felt every blow.

"I thought we were close! That you would never keep anything from me! And now here we are. You're just a LIAR and, and," I had to find another word. I remembered the mailman from a month ago. It never works out. I was so foolish then. To think that Gray would ever stay. He was a villain. A thief. The red car approached from behind me. My voice was tired of yelling, but my emotions were just getting started.

"Carmen, I would never leave you like I did with Abby. Never." Abby now looked a little irritated, but didn't say a word.

"How do I know that? How am I EVER supposed to believe A WORD YOU SAY!" I could feel the rain pour down even harder, almost as if it was reflecting my emotion. I half expected lightning to strike down from the sky, but it never did. Guess I wasn't that mad yet.

His voice was calm, but very very sad and pleading. "You're just going to have to trust me." He held his hand out and there was a part of me that was tempted to forgive him, but the other part took over. My voice was lower now, but equally as violent.

"How can I believe a criminal's words." My heart knew I just stepped over an invisible line, but my anger subdued it's complaint. I turned and opened the car door. Before I sat I took a look at Gray's face. His face looked sad and shocked at my words. He was desperate for something to get me back. Right before I stepped into the car and drove away, I said one last thing.

"I will never come back for you Gray."

Carmen... my story title tho... how could you betray the story title!?!?

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