Carmen POV (With a quest... and a Devineaux)

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Mom had already bought tickets to Sydney.My flight was in just an hour. My hand still burned from the cookies this morning. It was already late afternoon, and we hadn't made much progress on booking a cab. I just had to think of a way to get to the airport. I was pacing the floor, doing call after call. Everyone was already booked. I mean, it was the weekend. I heard a knock on the door. I quickly rushed to it, a part of me hoping it would be a driver. I hadn't got a drivers license to be able to drive in Argentina yet, and my mom still had to get her license renewed. Ugh, why do these types of situations happen to me!? I opened the door to find Agent Devineaux, in a black suit with a black tie.

"Don't worry, I didn't want to be here." He said in his french accent. His "w" sounded more like a "z".

"Devineaux." I whispered. Then, I realized how I could get to the airport. "This is perfect, you know how to drive right?" I exclaimed, grabbing my phone. He straightened his tie.

"Why, of course, but-" I grabbed his hand and pushed him in the car he had come in.

"I need you to drive me to the airport." I say, grunting because he resisted from my push.

"Chief wanted me to tell you something very important." He said, resisting my push less and less.

"You can tell me later, okay?" I say and I finally push him in the driver's seat.

"Fine." He says stubbornly. He puts both hands on the wheel and starts to drive. I put my seatbelt on in the passenger's seat and looked out the window. I'm coming back Gray.

* I will probably, sadly, be uploading the last chapter of Come Back For Me today... There will be about 2-3 more chapters and then... The End 😖😭. So stay tuned and be ready for one amazing, but corny ending... excuse me while I go cry and write more chapters..😫*

Come back for me ~ A Redcrackle storyWhere stories live. Discover now