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Carmen Chapter may come tomorrow or day after!!!

I drifted off to sleep shortly after Frozen was finished. It was jazzy, especially "Let it go". That was something else. I dreamed of how I wanted the conversation with Carmen to go. I would hand her the flowers. Say something like "Carmen, I wished what happened in the museum happened a long time ago. I want to be with you, all the time. I love you." Yeah, I revised a bit. I woke up to a tapping on my shoulder. My eyes sprang open and tried hard to adjust to the beaming light coming from my window. Was it daytime already. I checked my watch to see it was 7:32 am. Just a half hour to see Carmen. But was I really sleeping that long?

"Sir, here is your breakfast." A flight attendant. I thanked her and took hold of the tray. There was a roll, butter, preserves, and a nicely laid out knife. I spread the butter on the roll and take a bite. Not the best tasting roll in the world, but good enough that I wasn't going to pass.I was on the last bite of the roll when I thought about the interaction, then it hit me. Carmen's mom is going to be there. I stopped chewing the last bite of roll. What do you say to your crush's mom? This was a whole other topic. I only had about 5 minutes before the plane landed and I hadn't even addressed the mom situation? Life's. So. Hard. Maybe I could say: Carmen's an amazing girl and I like her a lot. I felt the plane land and I knew I was out of time. I exited the plane and went through security. The curb in front of the airport's exit was littered with cabs. Of all colors, yellow, blue, orange, pink and even red. I walked to the only red cab.It looked friendly and... it reminded me of Carmen. I took out the paper Chief gave me.

"Could you take 4983, la Vinito avenue?" I ask the man sitting in the driver's seat.

"Yes, come in." He says and points to the backseat. I open the door and sit on the right side. He starts to drive and he starts a conversation.

"What brings you here?"

"A girl actually." Through the mirror at the front, I saw his eyebrow raise. Why do so many people think that's weird. I mean, I would travel the world if I could see Carmen.

"You love her?" He asks, his eyebrow still raised.

"Yes, how did you know?" I ask, I because the girl could be my mother for all he knew.

"You get a lot of people like you, here in the cab business," he chuckled.

"Oh really? Did they get the girl?" Eager to see a sign of hope.

"No, but I am sure you will." That really pushed my confidence back, but I was doing this. Even if it was just to hear a no. I thought about how heartbreaking that would be.

"Do you remember if there are any flower shops where I am going?" I ask, remembering that flowers were important.

"Yes, there is a shop called Mi Flor, they have the most beautiful flowers."He said and stopped at a curbside.

"Well here you are. La Vinito Avenue. Good luck with that girl."

"Thank you," I say and hand him money.

Okay, we need to find Mi Flor and then, Carmen.

I published this chapter to make sure you get your Carmen chapter soon! After the Carmen Chapter, I think I'm going to be about a third through my fanfiction, so still a LONG way to go. Thx to my readers! You guys mean everything to me. I have a really good time writing from Gray's POV because I make him so quirky, lol. I think I'll have fun writing the Carmen chapter, since I made Gray so quirky. Hopefully he and Carmen's mom get along well :). You guys get to see how I would picture her personality and I love that I get to share that with you! In my story Redcrackle will have it's ups and ver very downs... The real question, will our Red love couple be able to get through everything?

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