Another Gray POV(Graham)

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So, there will be about 2-3 more Graham POV's so stay ready for our very own Graycamole!!! I couldn't fit the flight and Carmen in the same chapter so I thought I would publish this chapter and then maybe by Monday or Tuesday do the chapter with Carmen. Sorry to keep y'all waiting.

It wasn't long before we reached the airport. The man called, Agent Devineaux, never stopped talking. As for the woman, Agent Argent, I realized where I'd recognized her. She was usually the ones to try and stop V.I.L.E when it was a thing.

"How to go to the plane is simple, go through security, wait for the plane, and board when it is your turn. Any questions?" His voice was so french that I couldn't believe it.

"I think I'm good to go mate." I respond.

"Alright, here is your suitcase, that you conveniently forgot to pack. And if you are wondering who packed it for you, it was me. Therefore, I am irritated and eager for you to get out of my sight, is that clear?" He rants.

"Clear" I say, remembering that I forgot to pack.

"Good, in here there is clothes, a toothbrush, and money." He says, handing me the bag.

"Bye then,"taking the bag I walk to security.

"Tell her that ACME has everything under control, so she can relax with her mom." Said Agent Argent.

"Will do." I say and walk through security.

------------------------After Security, waiting in gate-----------------------

Security was the easy part, now it was waiting. I wish I could have gotten out of that hospital sooner, I mean what if Carmen already found someone? It just hit me. This whole thing would be for nothing.

"At least she would know" I mumble softly.

"WITWCS airways, please board at gate 3. Again WITWCS airways for flight 2086 to Buenos Aires, Argentina, please board at gate 3."

I sigh, getting out of my thoughts and walk fast to gate 3, which is right across from me. I stand in the line that is already formed. It moves slowly, but fast enough for me not to get cranky. When it's my turn I hand my ticket to the woman at the desk.

"Graham Calloway?" She asks me.

"No one Grahamy-r" I respond and she smiles. I walk down the hallway that leads you into the plane. I hand my ticket to the flight attendants there and they let me pass.

"Your seat B-15," she says and I thank her. I walk down the slim space in between the chairs. A-25, A-83,B-12 B-15. I stop and put my luggage in the compartment above just as everybody else is. I sit down, to find a tiny T.V screen in front of me.

"Goody, I can watch everything on here." I push button after button to find new shows. One catches my eye.

"Frozen?, well let's see what that's all about" I click the movie to see it loading. After it comes up, I make sure I'm buckled for the 26 hour ride I was on. By the time I reach Carmen, it would be 8:00 am. Hopefully she doesn't sleep in late, because talking to her will be the first thing I'm gonna do.

Sorry I couldn't fit it all in one chapter, but there is so much that needs to happen before that. Carmen will probably be in the next or chapter after next. I know you guys want that chapter so I am so sorry to keep you waiting. If this chapter is boring well... Boring stuff happens before big stuff. You can quote me. Thx for being here once again. Vote, comment and STAY AWESOME. I might double upload today so you might get the Carmen chapter tomorrow, we'll see :)

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