Chapter 19 - Happily Ever After

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[timeskip because ive kinda sorta maybe lost motivation but i still wanna wrap it up]

Janus and Roman ran out into the rain. The shorter boy laughed as he was pulled along and they stopped under the jutted roof on the side of the school, watching the drops fall.

Roman slid off his jacket and wrapped it around Janus' shoulders. "You better not catch a cold on me," he joked.

"Fancy that, getting sick the night after prom," Janus muttered back, playing with the lining. "How fun."

Roman frowned. "You're shaking."

"It's raining and it's ten at night, Ro, how are you not cold?"

"Come on." Roman grabbed his hand, flashing him a smile that almost made him melt right then and there. "My car's warm. We can sit there for a few minutes, and then I drop you off at you house, alright?"

Janus just hummed, stepping out into the rain, closing his eyes, and looking at the sky. "Sure, whatever."

"I thought you hated the rain?"

He lowered his head and blinked. "I do." Then he frowned. "Well, hate's a strong word. But yeah."

"You seem to like it right now."

"Mmhmm." He spun a bit as they quickly started walking to Roman's car. "It's nice. Much cooler than inside."

They ran the rest of the way to Roman's car, laughing as they both flicked water from their hair. Roman fiddled for his keys and ignited the engine. "Do you want to sit here for a bit or shall we go, my prince?"

Janus rested his arm on the armrest, his chin in his hands as he stared at Roman, smiling. "I think we should sit here for a bit," he whispered.

Roman glanced over at him and nodded. "Of course." His eyebrows pushed together a bit and he motioned to his face. "Your makeup is running."

"What?" Janus blinked, remembering. "Fuck." He pulled down the mirror and checked, glaring as his eyeshadow ran a bit. He smudged it with his finger. "Better?" he deadpanned to Roman, fully aware that he looked like shit.

"You always look stunning, mi amour." He shrugged. "But yes, it does look better."

"Bull." Janus laughed a bit more, watching as the windshield wipers systemically pushed away the light drizzle.

"Nope." Roman reached across and cupped his face. "You look great, Jan."

He smiled a bit. "Thanks."

Roman bit his lip. "Do you have scars?" he blurted out, immediately looking like he regretted it.

"Uh, yeah probably..." Janus' smile dipped as he realized what Roman was talking about. "Who told you," he muttered, voice low as he stared into the footwell.

He was quiet for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, Janus, I shouldn't have asked-"

"No, no, it's fine," he said coolly, already feeling the tears pressing at his throat. "Who told you?"

"...No one. Not technically. I've just heard Remus talking about one of his friends a few years back, and he said that they were really great with makeup, but they only did it because they were self-conscious about their scars." He tapped idly on the steering wheel, looking away. "Is that you, or...?"

"Yeah, it's me," he bit back. 

"I'm really sorry, Janus, I didn't mean to-"

"You're fine, Roman." He took a few deep breaths and looked out the window. "I mean, the entire reason I started doing makeup is to avoid questions like those, but whatever."

"...I'm so sorry." He paused. "Do you want me to take you home?"

He sighed. "...No."

"Where do you want me to take you?" Roman looked at him questioningly.

"Nowhere." He inhaled, held his breath, and exhaled softly. "Just stay here for a second."


The two sat in silence, watching the rain fall quietly against the windows.

Finally, Janus spoke up. "Do you know what Dimindium Conscidist is?"

"...No, sorry."

He sighed. Explaining this again. After all these years. "It means I was born with half of my face covered in small scars." He shrugged. "Well really it's a mutation that means one half of someone is covered in cuts. hand, or one arm, or one side of your face."


He nodded. "That's what I have. That's why I do half of my face. To avoid the goddamn questions."


"Stop apologizing, you deserve to know."

"I don't deserve to-"

"Roman." The taller boy immediately shut up, watching as the shorter one played with the hem of his shirt. "You are the first person to make me question my sexuality consistently. You're nice, and funny, and sweet. I know you have good intentions." He shrugged. "You deserve to know."

"Okay." He nodded. "Thank you for, uh, telling me."

"Tell anyone else and I'll play the marimba in the band room with your shins." He smirked a bit.

"Harsh, much?" he laughed a bit, testing the waters. "I will never tell a soul."

Janus let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you."

"No problem, darling." Roman glanced over at him. "Would you like to go home now, or...?"

He reached over, grabbing Roman's shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. "Already am."

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now