Chapter 12 - Speak In Lies

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Janus stared at himself in the mirror, trying to decide.

Hoodie? Or t-shirt? Or t-shirt and a jacket? Maybe a nice shirt?

This was ridiculous. It was literally just him and Roman. There was no reason to be fretting over his outfit.

And yet here he was.

He went to his closet, promising himself that he'd wear the first thing he grabbed, and pulled out a dark grey hoodie with yellow stripes along the hem and traveling up the arms. He pulled it on, pushing up the sleeves and checking the mirror twice more, once for his outfit and again for his make-up. Now was not the time for it to be a half-assed job.

He ran a hand through his hair, pulling it down in front of his eyes and shaking his head roughly so it sat messily in his face. He pushed it away enough so that he could see and left the room, sitting down on the stairs and pulling on his shoes. He set his phone next to him as he tied them, staring at the screen.

He stood up, unlocking it and rereading the message over and over again.

He stood up, unlocking it and rereading the message over and over again

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It was just a few minutes before 3:45. Roman would probably be here any second.

He went out the front door, locking it behind him and going to sit at the end of the driveway.

A dark red truck came around the corner, coming to a stop in front of the house. Janus stood up and brushed off his pants as the door swung open a few inches. He could see Roman reaching across the car, frowning.

He laughed and got into the truck, quickly clicking the seatbelt before turning to Roman.

"I can open doors myself, y'know."

"I know, I know." Roman started to drive, a small smile working itself onto his face. "I was trying to be chivalrous."

"Congratulations on that, then." Janus rested his chin on his hand, his eyes lazily staring at the powerlines as they flashed by, slowly moving up and down in his vision. "And thank you, I guess," he added, not wanting to be rude. 

The two eventually found themselves in a park not too far from the school, each of them laying on their backs and staring up into the bright sun. The distant shouts of children provided a steady stream of background sounds as the two laid there quietly.

Janus shut his eyes and threw his arms over his face, groaning. "I love summer and all, but why does it need to be so damn bright?" he hissed. 

"We can move if you'd like," Roman laughed, turning his head to the right and studying Janus.

"I'm too lazy to get up, Princey."

There was a suspicious silence for a few seconds before Janus felt himself getting lifted into the air. He let out a small, surprised squeak before slamming his hand over his mouth, shutting his eyes and fuming quietly. He heard the taller boy laugh and he opened one eye, piecing it together.

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now