Chapter 16 - The Last Of Me

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Janus pressed against Roman, too dazed to realize that he was kissing Roman, in his room, on his bed, with the door shut, and his mom wasn't home.

He felt Roman's warm hands dance under his shirt, making him shudder as they made their way higher on his chest. He pulled back for a second and pulled his shirt off, discarding it on the ground next to his bed as he pushed closer, kissing him again, the cold hair fighting Roman's warmth.

The taller boy, not to be outdone, pulled off his own red t-shirt and wrapped his arms around Janus, pulling both of them down onto the bed.

The two rolled around for a few more minutes, not going farther than making out, until the sound of the garage door opening caused Janus to freeze.

He pushed Roman off of him and threw him his shirt, pulling his own on before realizing it was inside out. 

His mom's voice floated up the stairs. "Janus, honey?"

"I'm here, Mom," he yelled back, biting his lips and running his fingers over them. They hurt a bit from Roman kissing him so damn hard. He glanced at the boy in question frantically before eyeing the closet. 

He pushed him towards it as the taller boy raised an eyebrow, smirking. "I was already in there for years, Jan-"

"Shut up and get in there, and if you say a word then I'll break your kneecaps," he hissed before shaking his head and pushed him in, shushing him haphazardly as the door shut.

"Janus? You in there?" 

He reached for a book, opening it to a random page and leaning against his bed. "Mmhmm."

His mom opened the door a bit. "What are you doing awake at this hour, sweetie?" she laughed, sitting across from him.

"Oh, y'know, missed the window for circadian rhythm. I'm not really tired anymore." He motioned to the book. "Finishing this for English."

She stared at the cover. "Of Mice and Men?"

He blinked. "Yep," he lied, smiling.

"Mmm." She paused. "There's a car outside...?"

"Right!" His mind raced. "Yeah, that's my friend's. His street is really crowded so I said he could just park it here tonight. Is that alright?"

"Of course." She ruffled his hair, kissing his forehead. "Well, try to get some sleep this weekend." 

"Will do, Mom," he smiled as she left the room, shutting the door gently behind her.

Janus blew his hair out of his eyes and stood up, shutting the book and setting it on his dresser before going to the closet and opening the door.

Roman stood there, his arms crossed and a concerned frown flickering on his face. "Does your mom know you're...?" he asked quietly,  letting his wrist go slack.

"Hmm? Oh, no, definitely not," he whispered back. "But my aunts are gay, so...I'm guessing she's fine with it."

"Good." Roman wrapped his arms around Janus' waist, pressing his face against the shorter boy's neck and making him go weak at the knees. He let out a quick gasp as he hung off of Roman's neck and he presses kisses around his jaw and ears. "With her being okay with that, I mean," he added. 

He sighed and pushed him away a bit. "Do you want to go out my window? Or you could stay here, I guess." He shrugged. "My mom never comes into my room until after I'm up, and she's got an early shift tomorrow, so she'll be leaving early. As long as we stay in here we're fine."

"What do you want me to do?" Roman asked, his hands resting gently on his shoulders.

"...Stay," Janus mumbled. "But if your parents are expecting you to-" He was cut off by another kiss as Roman picked him up, his arms flexing underneath his legs and around his back, holding him close.

"My parents aren't expecting me to do anything, mi amour. If you'd like me to stay, I'll stay."

Janus buried his face into Roman's neck. "Please stay."

"Of course." Roman took a few steps to the bed, setting him down. 

Janus pressed himself to Roman's chest, snuggling closer in the darkness as the other boy pulled the blanket around them. He rested his hand around Janus' back, slowly running his fingers up and down his shoulder blades. "Is this alright?" he asked quietly.

Janus nodded slowly. "It's perfect."

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now