Chapter 13 - Saving Myself

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Roman sat in the driveway of the love of his life for what felt like forever.

IN all honesty, it was more like a minute or two, staring after Janus as he unlocked the door to his house and left Roman's sight. He shifted the car into reverse and backed out, driving a bit away before parking along the side of the road. He was in no state to drive, not like this.

He pulled his sleeves over his hands, put them over his mouth, and let out a singular, lengthy shout.

Janus had kissed him.

Oh, god, Janus had kissed him.

And yes, he hadn't kissed him  kissed him, but Roman was willing to count it if it meant he could semi-realistically daydream about Janus.

He took a few deep breaths and started driving again, his hands shaking a bit but not enough to mess him up. He got home and parked, fumbling for his bag in the backseat before walking inside.

"Hey, dickhead, can you bring me an apple," Remus yelled from upstairs as soon as the door swung shut.

"Fine." Roman walked to the kitchen, grabbing two of the bright red fruits before walking up the stairs, yelling Remus' name. "Where'd you go?"

A long, high-pitched scream came from behind the closed door of Remus' room. Roman rolled his eyes and opened it a bit, setting the apple down on the closest surface and shutting the door before seeing anything he did not  want to see. 

He walked back downstairs and pulled out his phone, checking the time. A little after seven. He sighed and took a bite of the apple, turning it in the light and thinking.

He had to come up with some sort of plan. Either to ask Janus out or to kiss him or something. 

Texting was out of the question. He was not going to text anyone, ever, and ask them out. He had to do it himself.

Letters were on thin ice. If it was a simple 'Will you go out with me?" then it wasn't good enough. In Roman's eyes, at least. Janus deserved the best, and nothing less. 

A poem...?

Roman's head snapped up and he grabbed his phone again, quickly searching up the school's website, an idea already forming.

Junior Prom
May 3rd
7:00pm - 12:00pm
Entrance: North doors
Location: Large gym and cafeteria
[Hosted by Student Government]
[President: Cooper Halloway    Vice President: Noah Defi]

He shut off the phone and paced back and forth, snapping rhythmically as he walked. Okay. He had a date. He had a time. It was the 19th. He had two weeks to ask him.

Okay. He could do this.


He walked upstairs, went to his room, shut the door, took off his jacket, pressed it to the crack under the door, grabbed his pillow, pressed it to his face, and screamed.

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