Chapter 15 - Your Hero

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Closing night.

Roman flashed his smile at the audience he couldn't see, the lights blinding him temporarily before the curtains swished closed.

The music played and everyone onstage froze, waiting for the momentum of the curtains to stop.

Movement erupted across the stage and some of the younger cast members started cheering, all singing loudly to the faint music from the speakers as they made their way backstage, talking and chatting and celebrating.

A familiar sadness drifted across Roman's mind, as it always had after the curtain closed for the last time. Never again would he perform this role in this way, with these people, with this blocking and choreography. 

"You alright, Princey?" Roman glanced to the wings, seeing Janus walking over to him with a small smile on his face. God, he looked adorable. A large, dark-grey jacket that practically swallowed him hole, and hair messed up to the point where Roman would give anything to just run his fingers through it. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he answered smoothly. "Just getting nostalgic."

"Already?" He laughed, and Roman thought he would just about die. "It's been two minutes."

"Oh, hush, my songbird," he defended, walking backstage. "So you talked to Virgil?"

"A bit, yeah." Janus ran a bit to catch up with him

"Good, yeah, that's good," Roman nodded, smiling. "Inter-friend-group hate is not my favorite."

"I-" Roman turned back to see Janus frowning. "I'm a part of your friend group?"

"I mean, basically, yeah," he shrugged. "If you want to be."

"Yes! Yeah, I do want to be," he laughed a bit.

"Great." Roman disappeared around the corner, taking his costume off and hanging it on the rack, moving away from the others as he ripped off the mic tape, hissing in pain.

It never gets easier, does it?

He unclipped the belt and went to help Janus with the others.

The pair came down from the mic booth around half of an hour later, coming across the others on the stage as they all waited for everyone to get ready to leave. They moved out of the house, some greeting friends and family who stayed after a bit to congratulate them or give them flowers, others chatting and laughing loudly with their friends. They all drifted to the parking lot and got into their cars.

Janus followed Roman, as the taller one had offered to drive him and he'd agreed. At this point, Janus' jacket was tied around his waist, making a strange skirt-esque outfit that Roman quite liked.

Remus was here, but he'd come with Remy, Patton, and the rest of his friends. Since so much of his friend group was a part of the cast, and Remus was his brother, the three of them were basically honourary theater kids. Virgil had offered to drive them with the warning that he was not liable for any bullshit they did or didn't pull while he was doing tech.

The two drove along, following the parade of cars and pulling into a parking lot. Roman and Janus got out and followed the others into the establishment. 

The owners of the place were friends with Mr. Sanders, and always closed early on closing night for their shows as long as everyone didn't make too much of a mess. Troublemakers had to come the following morning and help clean up, but Roman couldn't remember the last time something like that had happened.

A decent amount of time had passed until Roman realized he had not, in fact, had water for several hours now. Realizing his water bottle was empty, he got up to go refill it, Janus following him.

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang