Chapter 7 - Precisely Where You Need To Be

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[tw: mentions of food/eating, mentions of knives]

"I'm way too gay for this shit, Pat." Roman slumped forward, hiding his face in his arms and resting his head on Patton's dash. "He's too pretty."

"Easy there, kiddo." Patton tapped rhythmically against the steering wheel. "Don't stress yourself out over it."

"Easy for you to say, Popcorn," he muttered, sitting back and putting on his seatbelt.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Roman playfully elbowed him. "You know I do."

"Then talk away, Ro."

He ran a hand through his hair, still jittery from the events from earlier. "He touched my face,  Pat."

"You do have a pretty face."

"He touched it. Gently. Like a little baby bird." He put his hand against his cheek, still feeling like it was burning where Janus' fingers had briefly made contact with his skin. "I feel like Prince Charming, and now I must go track down the lovely lad using a shoe."

"You do realize you'll get to talk to him tomorrow, right?" He turned on his right turn signal, filling the car with a steady click.

Roman paled. "No. No, I can't talk to him, Patton, not now- I'm still reeling-"

Patton giggled. "You're adorable when you get crushes, RoRo."

He sighed against the window. "It's not a crush."

"Isn't it?"

"No." He blew his hair out of his eyes. "Maybe."

"It is."

"Fine, yes, it is."

They drove in silence for a minute or two as Patton drove through the neighbourhood. He finally pulled into his driveway, stopped the car, and got out.

The two made their way into Patton's house, just as they always did every other Tuesday. It was their one time where they could just hang out and chat. Virgil had work - down at the library, so he didn't have to talk to anyone, which he was happy about - but he'd always joined Patton and Roman an hour or two later. They would stay up watching Disney or gossiping or something, way into the wee hours of the morning. Or maybe they would just fall asleep. Either way, it was their time to hang out.

"Patton, dearest. Did you have a good day at school?" his mom spoke up from the table, the glow of her laptop reflecting from her glasses. "Hello, Roman. Same for you."

"Good, Mom."

"It was great, Mrs. Heureuse."

"That's nice to hear, boys." She glanced back down at her work. "I made some brownies for the three of you, please feel free to take them." Patton's mom was well aware of the boys' tradition, and always made some sort of sweet or food whenever it was at her house.

Patton grabbed the glass tray from the counter, rifling through the drawers for a butterknife. He handed it to Roman, grabbed the brownies, nodded to his mom, and went up the stairs, Roman close behind.

The boys set the food and knife on Patton's bed and the shorter boy glanced up at Roman. "Nails?" he asked. "Or Disney?"

"Stay with me here, Pat, but might I suggest...both?"

"Sounds good to me." He left to go grab some nail polish and Roman sat on the bed, pulling his laptop and charger out of his bag and setting them on the floor, looking for an outlet. He shook his hand out as he electrocuted himself a bit, sitting there dazedly for a second before shaking his head and plugging in the device to charge. He type 'dis' into the searchbar, letting it auto-complete with He pulled up Inside Out, knowing it was Patton's favorite. He figured that he was probably going to gush about Janus tonight, and he still felt bad about it, so he figured turning it one was the least he could do.

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now