Chapter 2 - The Ugliness Within You

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Janus smiled to himself as his friends rounded the corner, talking loudly. Normally the teachers would have taken some sort of issue with it, but school had let out an hour ago and they were all either closed off in their classrooms or had left for the day, wanting to get away from the societal, educational prison.

He tuned back into Remus and Logan's conversation, making sure neither of them were making fools of themselves - they were passing by the auditorium, and he was pretty sure the theater kids had rehearsal today. He could hear the faint music of I've Got A Golden Ticket playing even from here. Not that he was a fan of the show, or even theater in general - he appreciated it, but he'd never seen himself as in the spotlight - it was just recognisable. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a decent show. He was pretty sure Remus' brother had gotten one of the leads.

Not that he cared or anything.

"I'm just saying that if you licked the blowhole of a dolphin it would be French kissing them, Lo, I see no issues here."

"It's non-consensual, Remus, and you shouldn't be doing that anyway-"

"Again, unless you'd like it to be true to its namesake, as of which I would be glad to-"

"Okay then," Janus interrupted. "Logan, make a note to never bring him to an aquarium or ocean."

"...Gladly." Logan pulled out a note card and pen and scribbled a short note as Remus pouted.

"You guys never let me do anything fun," he groaned.

Janus raised an eyebrow. "We helped you dye your hair, you were literally just arguing about fucking a dolphin, and I let you do my makeup sometimes." He tilted his head. "And this is where you cross the line?"

Remus nodded, grinning. "Yep."

Janus snorted. "Bitch."





Remus doubled over in laughter as Janus kept walking. "Did you just make a pun out of my last name?"

"No," Janus deadpanned. He turned to Logan. "How did you do on the chem test?"


Janus swore quietly. "How?" he hissed, frowning. "I got an eighty-three."

"Perhaps you should have studied instead of scrolling through Tumblr for hours."

"Leave me and my cursèd platforms alone, prep." Janus moved to the side as Remus caught up, the three walking side-by-side. "Are either of you two doing anything tomorrow?"

"I am not."


"Wanna go walk around the mall and judge people?"

"Certainly, I do."

"Sure, Danger Noodle."

"Great." Remus stopped by the doors to the auditorium. "See you later, Rem." Janus kept walking with Logan to the end of the hallway, waving goodbye as Logan kept walking, his car parked in a different part of the school. Janus readjusted his backpack as he walked along the hallway, the music getting louder.

He stopped next to one of the doors, realizing that the music was emitting from the open door.

He glanced in, seeing that it led into the back of the theater. He crept in, not seeing anyone nearby.

There was a room to his left, filled with shelves piled with objects, each one labeled with a piece of tape. He scanned them quickly. A broom. Five golden slips of paper. There was a cart wedged between two of the shelves, painted boxes stacked upon it. He guessed this was the prop room.

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now