Chapter 4 - If You Do It Correctly

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Janus walked quietly down the halls, a pit of guilt growing in his stomach. He walked into the office and glanced up at the secretary.

"Oh, Janus, hello, dear. What might I do for you?" they asked.

He glanced between the door to the principal's office and back to the secretary silently, raising an eyebrow. They understood and beckoned him back. He walked past the desks and into the closed off office, seeing Remus sitting sprawled-out in one of the chairs. He took the one next to him and looked at the principal, who had a mixture of annoyance and tiredness on her face. "Mensonge."

"Torres," he responded evenly. Valerie was nice enough, but she probably wasn't going to be pleasant to deal with after the stunt Remus had pulled on Saturday.

"We're going to wait for Mr. Lunettes." Valerie sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"Is this about Saturday?"

"Yes, this is about Saturday, Janus."

He leaned back and glanced at Remus, who was sitting quietly in the chair. If you could call it sitting. His legs were tossed over the side, almost blocking the door, and his head was basically in Janus's lap, the blonde tips brushing against his leg. He looked up at Janus and smiled. He still thought it was worth it.

Logan walked stiffly into the room a few moments later, nodded at Valerie, and took the seat on Janus' right.

Valerie thought for a second before addressing the boys. "Feu. Mensonge. Lunettes." She drummed her fingers on the desk. "You broke the Achilles statue at the mall this weekend?"

Remus snorted. "Yep. Right at the base." He pushed himself up, grinning madly. "...At the foot."

Logan groaned. "Please stop talking about the coincidences."

"The rest of it broke afterwards," Janus muttered. "He doesn't seem so indestructible now, huh?"

He glanced up to see Ms. Torres push the smile off her face. "Yes. About that."

Janus frowned a bit, trying to keep a neutral expression. Remus had already gotten detention. What would she give to him and Logan as punishments?

"Remus, as I'm sure you're aware, you must spend six hours in detention by the end of the month."

"Yeah, I heard, lady," he muttered, shutting his eyes. He'd already gotten chewed out by his parents and the security at the mall. This wasn't going to phase him.

Valerie opened her mouth to argue against the name before sighing and turning to the other two. "Based on video evidence, the two of you were there and helped him break it."

"Well, I didn't help him, exactly," Janus argued. "I just stood nearby and didn't stop him."

"I- That's considered the same thing by the security officers," Ms. Torres answered. "The Dramien Whitch Mall has requested that you two also serve some sort of repercussions for the damage." She rolled her eyes. "Which is ridiculous, since as you said, you were a bystander, but I digress. They have requested that you both serve an additional six hours of 'school service'."

"Which is?"

She laced her fingers together, smiling a bit. "They left it undefined."

"Great. So Logan and I go, Remus  serves his time, we're all good." Janus crossed his legs, resting his chin on his hand.

"Nope. You two still have to do 'school service'." She stood up, walking over to a bookshelf and pulling out a stack of flyers and pamphlets. "And since they left it undefined, I'll define it for you. You can either take the same deal Remus has-" she nodded to the boy- "or you can spend six hours helping in an extracurricular activity of your choosing."

Janus glanced at Remus. His friend was nice, but six hours in detention didn't sound fun. And his parents would probably get him in trouble just for hearing that word alone. "I'll take the extracurricular activity," he muttered.

"Great." She flipped through the stack of papers and pulled out a small, stapled packet, handing it to Janus. "Keep in mind that you can't just join the club, you have to actively help out." Janus scanned the words as she listed off some examples. "...Or for chess club, you could go early and set out the boards. Art club, you could put away supplies...things like that."

"So we become a TA?"

"Slightly. If the teacher needs help, you give them help. If there's no help to be done, you enjoy the club." She winked. "I'll let it count towards your time."

Janus handed the papers to Logan. "When do we have to choose by?"

"By the end of this week. Six hours need to be done by the end of the month."

"What if the sum isn't six hours?"

"Get it as close as you can. What Dramian Whitch doesn't know can't hurt them."

"And if I'm too busy to do work outside of school?"

"You could always do it on your off period. Being an office assistant instead of a teacher's."

Janus nodded, standing up. "Is that all?"

"Yep, that's all." She smiled as Logan put the packet back on her desk. "You three have a good day, alright?"

"Yep, sure," Janus muttered as he walked out of the office, nodding to the secretary.

Logan turned right with him. "Which one are you going to choose?"

"I don't know. How 'bout you?"

"Chess club, likely."

"Huh." Janus waved as Logan went back to his class, sneaking back into the cafeteria and sitting back down at the table. 

Emile nodded from across the table. "What happened?"

"Torres wants me to do six hours of extracurricular," he groaned, stealing some food off of Emile's tray. "Logan too."

"Aww." He shook his head. "Do you have a club picked out yet?"


"Hey, bitch," Remy muttered as he slid into the seat next to Janus. "What did I miss?"

"He's gotta join a club," Emile answered for him.

"Oh, no, he has to get a life?"

"Ha, ha," Janus muttered, resting his head on the table. "Very funny."

"I know." Remy shook his drink around, the ice making an annoying scratchy sound as he did so. "Roman and Virgil told me you ran into them on Friday."

Janus frowned. "So?"

"So..." He took a sip of his drink. "Why were you in the theater?"

Janus groaned. "I heard sounds, I wanted to watch."

"You know you have to go in through the front if you want to watch, right?"

"Shut up." He elbowed him lightly. "That involved walking back."

"Lazy bitch." Janus slowly looked up at him, his eyes drifting slowly to the drink in his hand before going back to his eyes. He cocked an eyebrow, which made the taller boy burst into laughter. "I can hear  you calling me a hypocrite."

"Hypocrite,"  he hissed.

"See, there it is." Remy stood up. "You should really talk to Roman again, the two of you are sorta similar." Before Janus could argue, he was gone.

Emile giggled. "I do see that."

Janus glared at him. "How? You've never even talked to him."

"No, I haven't but he's popular, Jan. You're both dramatic and funny." He coughed into his hand. "And also self-deprecating at times."

Janus pounded on the table. "Hey!"

"You're easy to read, mister." Emile wagged his finger at him. "You hide your feelings with sarcasm."

He narrowed his eyes. "I plead the fifth."

"Whatever you say, Jan." 

I Thought I Loved You Yesterday [Roceit High School AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя