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Of course, he had only dared to comment mentally in his head. If he vocalised his thoughts, Qin Ke Xuan would definitely send a Xiao Li Flying Dagger at him, the bull-eye deadly on-point kind.


"Shi Fu ah, you see, don't you think I'm actually still of use? So can I be un-expelled?" He had to fight for his chances.

Qin Ke Xuan, seeing how persistent Yin Xu Dong was, reconsidered, thinking he indeed was of some use, "I can teach you, but you are not my disciple."

Upon hearing this, Yin Xu Dong was happy enough to jump up and down, and nodded his head enthusiastically, non-stop, "Okay, okay, as long as you teach me, I will do anything!"

After which was Yin Xu Dong teaching Qin Ke Xuan the meaning of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Teaching a complete "kid" such low-intelligence questions, the process was a very excruciating and mentally exhausting thing.

When it was time to go to school, the two of them went on their own. Actually, Yin Xu Dong had wanted to cling on to Qin Ke Xuan's side, except his route to school was separate from Qin Ke Xuan's, so he could only bid his teary farewell, though Qin Ke Xuan did not spare a glance in his emotion-brimming goodbye.

The following few days of attending school, Qin Ke Xuan had a primary school textbook with her all along and candidly started reading it, completely disregarding her classmates' emotionful and fascinating expressions.

When it was the weekends, Yin Xu Dong, who had originally been invited to go out and play with his friends, was once again dragged up by Qin Ke Xuan bright and early at dawn as though he was a soldier going for training.

This time, he was teaching her English.

"Why is there a need for two languages in one country?" Qin Ke Xuan had never seen any country that required two languages, even back where she was from, all the different countries around spoke the same language throughout, only in certain faraway and suburban areas would dialects appear.

As a Chinese citizen, Yin Xu Dong was very frustrated when it came to learning English as well, "Exactly! I think that the entire world should just come and learn Chinese!"

"Why are these symbols pronounced differently and have different meaning even though they look the same as pinyin?" Qin Ke Xuan pointed at the English alphabets, asking.

"This... English is the English people's language, so their pronunciation will definitely differ from ours. As to why they look the same as pinyin, I have no clue either. Right, why was it the same?" Yin Xu Dong, after learning so many years of pinyin and English, had never actually thought about why they looked the same.

Qin Ke Xuan sent an eye roll at the Yin Xu Dong who was scratching his head in confusion.

Yin Xu Dong taught Qin Ke Xuan the basic pronunciation of alphabets, and as for the grammar and tenses and etcetera, he too did not really know much about it, so he only had Qin Ke Xuan memorise some vocabulary.

Qin Ke Xuan placed the primary four five and six textbooks on the desk and started listening to Yin Xu Dong read aloud the vocabulary words while she memorised them.

Finally, it was morning, Yin Xu Dong asked Qin Ke Xuan for permission to go back to have breakfast, then peeped at her, but Qin Ke Xuan was so excited so did not bother to care about him.

After he woke up from the sofa in a fright and ran anxiously up to Qin Ke Xuan's room, the sun was hanging high up in the sky—it was afternoon. He secretly glimpsed at Qin Ke Xuan, and only after seeing that she displayed no symptoms of an anger detonation did he breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he felt a wave of grief, just when had it been that he downgraded to having to see her mood before doing anything?

I Am A KillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz