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- your irl pov !!

jack and stevie greeted us as we sat down. stevie was on tommys right side as i was sat on tommy's left side, jack to my own right.

we started the recording as i started to tune in.

"is it- do you americans say season? 'hey welcome back to season five'," jack asked as i shrugged, being cut off by tommy asking 'what?' "i was asking y/n if americans say season."

"oh don't get me started on americans jack, its too early in the podcast." tommy complained, jokingly, as we made eye contact briefly.

my brain rushed back to our conversation in the car.

"listen! i just want you safe, you don't need any hate." he muttered beside me, his arms crossed.

phil had stopped for gasoline as tommy started to remind me to be silent about our relationship.

"of course i know, it would just be nice to.. you know, talk about us." i sighed as we made eye contact.

"i know it would, i just don't want people hating on you, y/n. i really do like you and i don't want to send overwhelming hate to you because of that!" he complained, slumping further back in his seat.

"maybe one day?" i asked, hope laced in my voice.

he sighed, looking out the window, "maybe one day," he replied as we made eye contact once again, he looked tired, "i just worry for you." he mumbled as i shook my head.

"i can care for myself! the hate wouldn't bother me, tommy." i finished as he looked forward, sitting up straight.

"i know you can, i just really love you and if i know i caused any of the hate you received that impacted you, i don't know what i would do!" he sighed, his hands running through his hair nervously.

"i really do love you tommy, but let's make a compromise. we don't talk about it, maybe hint it until we're both ready." i offered with a smile as he looked at me.

"sometimes, just sometimes, you are so smart. plus, if i tweet about having a girlfriend, the fans will assume it's a joke!" he laughed, letting out a soft exhale as he sat back up.

phil entered the car as he looked back at us.

"ready?" he asked as we both nodded, eager to get to the podcast.

"so we're here with tommyinnit and y/n!"

"hello!" tommy and i both spoke, making each other laugh.

they started speaking about roadtrips [MMMM DREAAAMMM] before i heard my name, "i think y/n's sat in the seat actually." stevie laughed as i turned to face him.


"youre sat in the same chair as belle delphine." tommy replied as i burst out laughing.

"is this my claim to fame?" i asked as it was tommys turn to bust out laughing.

they continued to talk about if it was season or series.

"why do you hate america?"

"how dare you have the sheer audacity- do not get me started on america," tommy spoke, earning a 'why? go on.' "i just said do not get me started on americans."

"okay. maybe it will come up naturally, especially with y/n here, do you hate her?" jack asked as we made eye contact.

"i constantly feel the need to strangle her to death." tommy joked as the four of us started laughing at the stupid bit. they talked about tommy's career briefly before moving onto his 'go to meal deals' as i tuned out.

tommy was in the mixture of being calm but energetic ever so often. they talked for a while more as stevie spoke.

"so you and y/n, are you guys dating or..?" he asked as we both immediately shook our heads.

"no, she's fucking american, no way." tommy joked as i held in a laugh.

"he's british and a man, they both suck." i joked back as we all burst out laughing.

"how did you two meet?"

"her brother is on the smp and i have this bit where i play minecraft with some of the members sisters and she happened to be one of them and she was just pretty cool from the start and yeah, we got closer as she joined the smp." he explained as i smiled softly, watching him talk.

"y/n, what was your first impression of tommy?" jack asked me as i laughed.

"oh man, he was just annoying, but over time i found him cool and subscribed to him on youtube," i joked, referring to his youtube intro bit. "but on a uh serious note, he was just really funny and our personalities had matched perfectly so before i knew it, we were bestfriends." i laughed as tommy smiled.

"yeah, i mean it's been pretty cool to be friends with y/n, holy shit. last night she forced me to watch adventure time and it was so amazing." he spoke suddenly as i smiled.

"was y/n your valentine?" jack asked tommy as we both went silent, looking at each other before tommy responded.

"uh just as friends." he nervously spoke as i nodded.

"yeah." i agreed in a whisper as it was now stevie's turn to ask me something.

"why did you come to visit tommy?" he asked as i looked at tommy.

"uh my brother and i came here to visit tommy, tubbo, wilbur and phil who are also on the smp, since we all are pretty close." i responded as he nodded.


i sat in the car as tommy and i burst out in laughter.

"holy shit that was fucking embarrassing." he laughed as i agreed with a nod. since phil had driven us to the podcast studio, he had to drive us back, but he stopped to get some water and juice along with some snacks as tommy and i were waiting in the car.

we continued to talk about the podcast as we scrolled through random social medias.


"WE ARE BACK!" tommy yelled as we entered the hotel.

"i havent missed you," tubbo spoke before looking up, "hi y/n! i have missed you." he joked as i laughed.

"hi tubbo, i missed you too!" i smiled as we hugged each other. tommy pushed himself between the hug as we both looked at him.

"i wanted in on the hug." he muttered as we all did a group hug.

- end of chapter -

pretty short chapter BUT I HAVE MY REASONS!! this chapter was full of sleep deprived mistakes, i kept mixing up names and adding random quotation marks in random spots and added random words ..

it wasn't pretty LOLOL

ALSO ....... new book tomorrow [friday / march 12th] ... with a certain character we've seen in this story :]


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