I give him an apologetic look because I know he has been packed and prepared for days now. "It's a sixteen hour flight. I was terrified that I would forget something."

He frowns for a second. "Yes the flight is sixteen hours altogether, but we do have to stop in New Delhi, India to refuel."

Now it's my turn for my eyes to widen the size of saucers. "You mean it will be seventeen hours before we get to Malta?"

"As long as everything goes smoothly? Yes." He gives me a heartfelt look full of sympathy. "Why don't you make out a list really quick of what should be in here, and I will help you check everything off of it."

"But what if I forget something as I make the list?" In my head I know that I am acting hysterically, but I can't seem to help myself.

"Petal, you're just panicking. I promise that it is going to be okay." I take a deep breath and nod, letting him know that I heard him.

I take periodic glances at him as I type up a list on a checklist app on my phone. While all of my soulmates have been attentive in the spare moments that we have had together, Hobi has seemed to be more attentive than the others. One night he let me know that it was because he wanted to show me his romantic side. I had tried my best to try to reassure him that there are different versions of being romantic, and he has honestly succeeded at his own version. Even if he did only have ramen at the studio apartment the day of our first date. I can't help but jokingly add in my head.

After we go through the list Hobi makes sure to put everything not only back in the carryon, but arranged so they fit better than the haphazard way I must have stuffed them in the first time. He frowns at me. "You aren't going to be able to lay down and try to nap now are you?"

I shrug my shoulders although I know that he is probably right about that. "I mean we should be leaving in about an hour right?"

He glances at the time. "It does take some time to get to the airport, and we will want to be there a couple of hours before takeoff." His nose wrinkles for a second. "I really hope that Army hasn't caught wind of our flight. Otherwise that is another potential distraction that could slow us down."

"Are you going to dress like you normally do when going to the airport?" Like you are walking down a fashion runway. I add in my own head. Although, Hobi's sense of style is a lot more laid back than the others so that was probably a slightly unfair comparison. I wince and apologize. "I'm sorry I am a bit wound up about the flight."

"We all plan on still dressing somewhat stylish for the flight, but that's only because any time in public is a potential photo opportunity for Dispatch. If we get caught I am sure there will be some perspective article tomorrow about it."

"Good thing we will be on the plane at that point." I smirk at him.

"Indeed." He smirks back at me.

About 45 minutes later the production crew arrives. In past Bon Voyage trips they had filmed the group packing in preparation to go, but they had chosen against it this time around because they wanted to keep the mansion's location and existence a secret for as long as possible. So, with their backs against the mansion, the first thing the production crew ends up recording is our discussion as we try to figure out not only who gets to ride with me in the second SUV, but also who gets to sit beside me during the first and second half of the flight. Tae chooses to weigh in with his two cents. "While I would love to sit by my Angel during the flight I think it is only fair that she gets to sit by Jimin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung during the flight. She has had the least time with them for the past few weeks after all."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن