♛Chapter 106♛

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, especially after what he said yesterday," Hikaru added on.

"I don't think he's going to be coming back," Saiki said as he looked at Eclair and Haruhi, Haruhi likely just as angry and hostile as Saiki was at the moment- may be angry and hostile wasn't the right word to use; it was more defensive. What either of the commoners was defensive about, no one knew, well at least not them anyways.

"Would a betrothed man is willing to come to a club event- where he is meant to flirt with everyone?"

"What?" Kaoru said.

Everyone's mouth was agape, "Let's just close off the Host Club with a good ending," and with that, not so good ending of a conversation, Saiki walked away, off to do something better than wander around with a bunch of flirtatious rich people. Terrible way to spend the afternoon is what Saiki thought.

"Kusuo," Mori called for him, but Kyoya had just in time stepped in his way from being able to run up to his pink-haired underclassmen.

"That's enough idle chatter." Ootori clapped his hands, "Our guests are waiting,"

If Ootori didn't act as he cared about his long-term best friend suddenly left, neither should they. As Saiki walked to a new group of ladies and introduced himself, he was just counting down the hours until the end of the day, or until Lady Eclair stepped away from the Haruhi.

In the few minutes, it took for Saiki to be creating happy chatter between the women, Eclair had ended the conversation with Haruhi and was currently walking away, it was likely going to be now or never. Excusing himself, he went after her. Of course, Ootori noticed, and so did Mori, however, unable to stop the boy's actions without embarrassing one of them or the other, they kept to the side.

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"Lady Tonnerre," Saiki jogged up to her. She looked just as mean as before, but Saiki knew what he had to do, he just didn't know what to make of it. He reminded himself, this was for him and the club. The club he was putting way too much or way too little effort into at the moment. He didn't want to see not bad people suffering and he didn't want to be forced to move to England, so he needed to do what must be done.

"I've noticed you've been keeping your eyes on me recently." Eclair cut him off before Saiki could even begin. He knew he had made a mistake coming up to the Lady now, especially after finishing up a lengthy conversation with a club-mate. He- at this point- could be classified as a stalker. Giving him a dishonorable title and getting sent straight out of Japan and with a one-way ticket to England. A flight Kusuke and maybe himself were bound to get on at the end of the day.

"You know," she turned her back to him, Saiki hadn't even tried to say a word. "I've never been a really big fan of commoners," she spoke, it was silky, the way Teruhashi spoke but instead of using nice fake words, Tonnerre used the harsh biased truth that she grew up with. "Especially not in places where the elite are meant to be..." she smiled.

"You know, if I cry out one thing... it could ruin anyone's reputation. Being on the bad side of the Tonnerre family isn't a good title to carry- I hope you do know..." she knew what she was doing, Saiki was a little slow at the moment, and couldn't entirely process what was going on, he didn't know what she was going to say next, with or without thoughts, this lady was speaking the first thing that came to mind- and if she were to feel the need to cry wolf on Saiki- that would be the end of his and his entire family's happy life.

"I am unsure if your jealous of me or Tamaki," she told him in a straightforward manner. "And I do not care."

"Speak to me again." she said and walked past him, "And I'll make sure your family pays for generations."

Now all he had to do was accept the fact that he'd be leaving for England today. No way to turn back from that.

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It had now been the evening, and Saiki was dressed up in a beige costume, similar to the rest of the club, minus Haruhi who was wearing a dress and a wig. Saiki wasn't even going to waste his time trying to defend her. He felt no need, as the tower struck a new hour, signifying to him like an hour less to spend in Japan.

"I can't believe Senpai didn't show." Haruhi said, "I really believed he was going to make it, despite what she said." as she got ready for the final parade. Saiki had yet to get ready.

"Maybe he'll come last minute-," he tried to let her down slowly. "He's always had the flair for drama." Haruhi laughed as he fixed the bow on her top.

"Yeah, you know it." and with that Saiki bid her goodbye and walked out of the room, and outside. He knew his brother was standing there, Kusuo knew it was better to just rip the bandaid off, he knew he could defeat Kusuke's challenge, it's better to not ruin the host club's final event with his sour attitude.

"Oh, brother! I've seen you've come to face your defeat!" he said too happily, Tamaki and Eclair standing behind him, waiting. "A car will be here soon enough, we are heading to the airport together!" even with the cherry attitude, Kusuke was definitely less than excited to spend some quality time' with Eclair. At least seeing Kusuke suffer a little will make Saiki's day a little better.

A car soon came to pick them up, a luxury red convertible. Letting Eclair step in first then Tamaki and following them himself. Saiki looked back at one of the windows of the Host Club, luckily no one was peering out the window, still getting ready.

Good, he would hate seeing the face of one of the members looking down on him. He knew after getting into the car he wouldn't be able to bear seeing the face of Kyoya.

With a deep breath, he stepped into the car and made sure not to turn back to see the pink building he spent his days in.

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