Plaisir et désir (Fun & Desire)

Start from the beginning

"Parden me for intruding." William smiled.

"It's okay." Miss Bustier assured. "Are you lost?"

"No, actually." William cleared his throat. "My name is Williams Keith. Title: Ambassador. I've come to make an announcement. Duchess Catherine Middleton and her husband Duke William of Cambridge have decided to invite the most beautiful daughter of their best friends."

The class gasped as Kalianna grinned. The amber-eyed girl was about to stand up but Chloé beat her to it.

"It's probably me, right?" The blonde brat flipped her hair.

"... I'm sorry who are you?" William asked.

The class snickered and Chloé's face burned red, absolutely.

"I'm Chloé Bourgeois! My daddy's the mayor of-"

"Chloé please sit down and let the Ambassador continue." Miss Bustier instructed.

The girl scoffed and sat down.

"As I was saying. Catherine and William's best friends are Victoria De-Sinclair and Darius De-Sinclair. I believe they have a daughter named Kalianna De-Sinclair in here correct?"

Everyone stared at Kalianna while she stood up.

"That's me."

"As I expected, you have your mother's face. You are to come to Kengsington palace and spend the whole weekend there. Your friends of choosing can come along. And your lover."

Kalianna and Adrien blushed faintly.

"I-I don't have a lover." Kal lied.

"Well, then just your friends. Choose now because you're leaving tomorrow morning at 8 am." William informed.

"So soon?! Um, well... I choose..." Kalianna pointed at each of her friends. "Max, Alix, Nathaniel, Rose, Juleka, Ronnie, Logan..."

The noirette had picked everyone except Lila, Sabrina, and Chloé. But because they were so excited, no one noticed.

"What?! I don't get to come?! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"

Meanwhile, Lila was in the back, boiling with rage. 


"Hey, Kalianna!" Lila grabbed the silky-black-haired girl's arm before she could walk out with Adrien.

"Ew. What do you want?" Kalianna pulled her arm out of Lila's hold.

"I was wondering why you didn't invite me to come along. Aren't I your friend? I mean I understand why you didn't invite Chloé but why not me?"

"Don't play dumb." Anna snapped. "I'm not your friend or anything."

(Sukura41: Did ya'll get that little Billie Eilish reference?)

"Oh come on! That's so not fair! Please take me with you, I'll be on my best behavior." Lila tried to convince the girl.

"No!" Kalianna growled.

"Adrien." Lila turned to the blonde-haired boy with pleading eyes but he simply crossed his arms and looked away. The girl huffed. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DON'T WANNA TAKE ME WITH YOU!"

This caught everyone's attention and they came over.

"What's wrong Lila?" Rose inquired.

Lila covered her face, fake crying. "Kalianna won't take me with her on the trip!"

Everyone gasped while Marinette rolled her eyes.

'She knows exactly why Kali won't take her.'

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