♛Chapter 105♛

Start from the beginning

"Come here, my boy!" Mr. Suoh scooted over and patted the couch, calling Saiki over as if he were a dog.

I'm not your boy, would be what Saiki would have said to Tamaki, but not Mr. Suoh. He needed to stay in school just for a little bit longer. He had this huge recipe in hand which would take weeks to prepare for and makes, this was not the time to get kicked out for being rude to the chairman. Called for, Saiki moved to Haruhi and Mr. Suoh's couch, he felt the way Amp felt when his father would call for him for hours outside, Amp wanting to get away but Kuniharu stopping him all the time. With either hugs or food.

Right now in Amps position, the only thing keeping him away from Mr. Suoh (In the metaphor: his father) was the dangling position of the baking course.

"Thank you, sir," Haruhi tried her best to be polite, but second-nature wanted her to yell at Mr. Suoh for flirting with her. Something Tamaki did more often than not. "Please, Saiki." he smiled and winked, like flirting with a young boy and crossdresser was an 'everyday' occurrence. "You can call me father."

Saiki heard Tamaki cry from behind them, but knowing better than looking back and giving the attention-hungry boy some attention, he was ignored.

"Thank you, sir," It felt like all eyes were on him, he could go with it... or not. Calling Mr. Suoh his father would secure him safely in Ouran, doing the opposite could offend him, and boot Saiki in a matter of minutes out of Ouran, maybe even give Saiki a bad representation for all future schools he tries to apply to. His next words were like stepping into a landmine, with minimal protection, if any at all.

"I, unfortunately," Saiki paused, the tension in the room grew high, "Already have one father."

That was it, and it felt like the air of the room had been suctioned out by a vacuum.

"Well it's okay my boy," he gave Saiki a harsh slap on the back, "Just call me uncle as well." cue: another Tamaki Suoh scream, more in agony over any other emotion (Other emotions: back-stabbed, disappointment, jealousy.)

"If either of you," he grabbed both hosts by their hands and pulled them in close, faces close like they were the three musketeers. Thinking if they could put their brain cells as close together as possible they could come up with a semi-good idea. "Ever, and I mean ever, and I mean ever ever ever ever ever ever--."

Yes, we get it. Ever until you're in your grave- got it.

"--Find yourself in any trouble, please." he was more begging than asking, "I want you to know that you can come to your uncle for absolutely anything."


"Got it," Saiki will keep his words in mind. Maybe, his new uncle could help him rid of Kusuke completely out of Japan.

"Father..." Tamaki came behind them. Clearly agitated.

"That's Chairman to you!" he spoke with equal aggravation.

That's harsh.

But it seemed to not mind Tamaki in the slightest that his father was aggravated, specifically towards him.

"Now what do you think you're doing!" he yelled, trying to spit this 'new trio' up. "Remove your hands at once!"

Who are you, Tenya Iida?

Saiki gave him a tired look, that Tamaki noticed and brought down his voice, even after yelling.

"...please," Tamaki adds a second later.

Smart move

It was all fun and games. Until a loud slap went around the room. It felt now, that all the air had just disappeared, and everyone turned towards the noise.

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