♛Chapter 105♛

Start from the beginning

Plus... he thought along the way, If I even want to stay in Ouran with no bother, I'm going to need to deal with that Eclair lady...

Saiki got back and went on his semi-merry way. But it felt eerily quiet, Suoh wasn't around.

He better not be slacking off. Saiki grumbled as he began a conversation with a few ladies, who seemed to be having the time of their lives. They even blushed when Saiki gave a mediocre response back. He looked at Eclair and then his brother, who was talking to a few men like they were old colleagues. Kusuo could see the irritation behind Kusuke's eyes with that fake smile.

It was weird. Saiki had that same type of smile too.

There goes my chance of Kusuke being adopted.

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"Haruhi, Kusuo you're needed," Ootori called from separate sides of the room. Where both Saiki's attention and Haruhi's attention were given completely and utterly to the four-eyes. Apologizing than leaving the group that was created around him, a few men and plenty of women, he stalked towards Ootori, with clenched fists.

Why is he calling me by my first name?

It was clear Ootori didn't notice and proceeded to present them to the Chairman of the school. Suoh's father, not bothered by his son stalking them.

Does no one mind about personal space?

Clearly not.

"You must be Haruhi Fujioka," he greeted, "Saiki, a pleasure." he also greeted, in rains and sparkles. Kusuo could have sworn he had seen some roses as a background to Mr. Chairman. It was quite familiar to a desperate blond he knew.

The apple never truly falls far from the tree.

Haruhi took a seat next to the Chairman, Mr. Suoh, and Saiki sat across from him on a separate sofa where the only thing blocking the commoner and Mr. Suoh was a table with a vase filled with roses.

'So this is Tamaki-senpai's father?' Haruhi asked herself, 'Funny, they don't look alike.'

It's funny because they act exactly. The. Same. How terrifying.

"Mr. Chairman, I was just thinking earlier," Haruhi started the conversations, "That I should have paid my respects to you much sooner than this." she was respectful, and the conversation seemed only between him and Mr. Suoh.

"You know..." Mr. Suoh said, "Chairman is so dry."

Wasn't it you who told your own son to call you that?

"Please, call me...yes." he thought for a second with his finger on his chin. "Yes. Please call me," and he handed a bright red rose to Haruhi and a fat blush. "Uncle. It would please me."

Can you see the resemblance now, Haruhi? Saiki sweatdropped. This must have been more awkward to Haruhi than it was to Saiki, who was sitting across from them on the velvet couch like a dead fish.

Clearly, the shock of Haruhi treated more like family than what Tamaki was life-threatening, as he fell from the roof and into the newly installed fountain that was just put up.

'Wow, I guess the apple really doesn't fall that far from the tree.' Haruhi thought.

Just said that.

"I'm just so busy lately, I couldn't come out of my office." Mr. Suoh told Haruhi who was just as bland to Mr. Suoh as she was to the Suoh Jr. "But I've heard wonderful things about you. About the both of you!" he popped up as if suddenly remembering Saiki was there all along. He sweatdropped.

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