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"Have been since Joon's wedding." Taehyung confirms. In retaliation Min Yoongi throws him with a strawberry. Having been a witness to the two hooking up, I know he's not lying. 

Irena disappears to the deeper side of the pool that's far away from the rest of us. Unlatching myself from Jeongguk, I make my way toward her, careful not to walk too close to the edge. We've got an appointment and I can't risk getting wet.

She swims toward me, resting on the wall with her arms. In the moment she looks like a supermodel straight from Vogue with her long hair and wet skin. I can kind of see my Yoongi would he into her. Irena is gorgeous and she always has been.

"We're not seriously dating." She explains, heaving a sigh while her eyes move toward the group. Fei and Yejin are sat talking about who knows what. Yoongi seems to have calmed down from everyone knowing seeing as he's seated beside Taehyung now.

"I just didn't want to tell everyone so soon," She sighs, "I mean, Hosoek and I are only here for your wedding. After that we're going back home and Yoongi doesn't know that." She makes a sound of groaning.

I understand her problem. Dating seriously and then leaving is asking for problems. Knowing how little Irena visits Seoul, I'm sure long distance is not on the cards for her.

"Speak to Yoongi. I think he'll understand."

"Yeah, I'll do that." She splashes some water my way, "Sleep with Jeon. He's more than ready."


"Have the two of you ever been intimate?" Nikita asks making my mind wander to Irena and the conversation we had this afternoon. It's like she was trying to prepare me for the awkward encounter that would be this session.

Jeongguk and I shake our heads no and watch as the shock flows into her face like milk mixing into a cup of coffee. It's instant.

Her questions come out like bombs. All firing at us in curiosity as it must be the first time in a while that she's met a couple that hasn't touched each other like that. It should be embarrassing how little to nothing I know about intimacy, but I feel nothing toward the subject. If anything, I'm proud to have steered from that area of life for so long.

"We just decided we wanted to wait till we were married." Jeongguk concludes, also confident in that fact that though arousal and temptation may arise, we made a promise to each other. Both him and I are too prideful to be the first to break it.

Of course when he'd told me he's already been intimate, I wasn't surprised. I wasn't fond of his relationship, but I'd seen the way they hung onto each other. Such closeness could only arise from one form of touch.

"So do you think that could be why you guys are having communication issues?" Nikita questions, smiling as she always does.

"Actually, I don't think so," Jeongguk replies with a tilt of confidence in his tone. "I was in a relationship where sexual activity was important and even then we had communication problems."

"I agree that sexual intimacy does bring people closer, but I believe emotional intimacy brings two people even closer and right now, we're both happy within that realm." He smiles.


I enter the boardroom sending messages to Taehyung with my eyes. Confusion swimming in my veins at the sight of my grandparents and Jeongguk's, seated beside our parents like they randomly visit Seoul. We all know, they're only ever here if something needs to he delivered personally. Judging by the sound of surprise Jeongguk let's out behind me, I know he's just as unaware about what's going on.

Today was our sixth session with our relationship counsellor, Nikita and so far everything has been going well. We've been talking, he's taken more time off from work to spend more time together. It's really helped us grow stronger and it's beautiful to see us both actively want to fix things, but I just know this ambush of a meeting is about to ruin all that progress.

Greeting everyone with hugs, I move toward Taehyung. Eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Kim Namjoon who's unawarely typing away at his phone, like we didn't just see each other at the pool. It's still he's birthday, why is he even here? Seokjin is seated beside him with the always calm and inviting smile he has.

The sight just leaves me feeling more anxious and nervous. It feels like the hurdles never stop appearing. I'm starting to think that they'll never stop and going into marriage will only worsen them.

Jeongguk joins me, immediately pulling my hand into his own. A source of comfort it is because as soon as we connect, I feel slightly less nervous. It's not a lot, but it's enough to have me squeeze his hand in return.

"Now that the two of you are finally here," Mr Jeon senior speaks with authority. It's an aura that runs throughout their family line. Every one of Jeongguk's uncles and aunts have that tone and walk of importance. "We'd like to officially open this meeting."

My eyes widen at the mention of a meeting because I don't recall being informed of it.

"And it's all dependent on your cooperation."



If you're still here, I thank you.

I've been trying to keep this book consistent and I'm really looking forward to finishing it, but you know there always has to he spice. Haha.

What did you think of this chapter?

Also check out my other book  "More Than A Moment." it's a Taehyung fic.

Thank you. ❤️

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