Chapter 58: Brother?

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- A week later -

'Your Brother?! You said that I was like a brother?? God Ellie now I've heard everything' he said as Ellen walked through his trailer door. 'Good morning to you to' she said half laughing, 'Can I just ask what on Earth you've been doing with your brothers if that's how you're going to explain our relationship' he said raising his eyebrows at her. 'God Patrick chill out, I just wanted to say that we were close but I couldn't think of anything to say that would also keep Jill and Chris happy' she said sitting down on the couch. 'There are plenty of things you could have said, you know like we are really good friends or we have a lot of fun together. Not that I'm like a brother to you' he said laughing despite the stupidity of the conversation. 'Fine, fine I'll admit that it wasn't the best thing I could have said in an interview but it's happened now and there's nothing I can do to change it' she said smiling at him. 'Brother' he muttered under his breath while shaking his head. To say he was surprised when he watched the interview is an understatement, he had quite honestly laughed hysterically when he saw it. Even Jill had come into the room to ask him what he was laughing at. Although he did understand where she was coming from, it was a good way to keep Jill and Chris happy, to keep them blissfully unaware of what was happening. He moved over to sit next to her and looked at her hungrily, he watched as she moved closer to him, she sat in the space between his legs. It wasn't uncommon for them to sit this close together, they were practically joined at the hip, even on set. But what he did next wasn't quite so normal, at least it hadn't been recently, he pushed her hair away from her face and neck. He couldn't help but lick his lips at the sight of her exposed neck, it was always a weakness of his. She closed her eyes and said 'Patrick what are you doing', without saying a word he leaned in and placed a kiss on the base of her throat. He felt her shiver under his lips, 'Paddy' she said, 'Would your brother make you feel like this' he whispered before slowly sucking on her neck. Her eyes fluttered shut and her head tilted back as she moaned 'No'. He slid his tongue over the mark he had just made, 'Or this' he murmured before moving to a spot on her collar bone. Her hands went into his hair 'No' she moaned again. He stopped before the marks became too dark, her eyes opened again and she said 'We promised we weren't going to-', 'It was just practice' he said smiling. 'Practice' she repeated before he leant in and pecked her on the lips. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before he gave into the temptation but he wasn't expecting to have given up quite that soon. It was honestly an everyday battle for him, fighting his feelings while being so close to the woman he loves. To make matters worse there had only been more bed scenes scripted for them, he would have thought that Shonda would have put an end to them, especially after what had happened at the Globes, but to be fair she wasn't as involved with the writing anymore. His self restraint, which now was clearly nonexistent, was going to be tested once again today, he had a scene with Ellen in between the sheets.

She was once again lying half naked in a bed with Patrick Dempsey, although this time it was planned and a part of the script. She had done her best to cover up the hickeys he had left on her neck from earlier that day but the red marks could still be seen under the makeup she had put over them. Of course Patrick had decided to make a point, to be fair she couldn't blame him, calling him her brother was probably a little too much. But that still didn't give him an excuse to act like a sex craved teenager and quite literally mark her as his. She had absolutely no idea how the hell she was going to explain them to Chris. She was half hoping he'd see them and think that he had been the one to put them there but it was unlikely considering he wasn't really a 'neck guy'. She felt Patrick's arms come around her as they said their lines, his hand tracing patterns up her arm as they talked. He took his hand off her arm and clasped her hand in his, it was strange the way their hands fitted together like that was where they were meant to be. The way he looked at her was similar to that hungry gaze before, she watched as his eyes dropped to her lips as they always did before he kissed her. He leant in and their lips came together, he got on top of her and their bodies meshed together. She had to admit that the feeling of his skin against hers was one of her favourites, the intimacy between them that they'd never have to lose thanks to filming.

ahahaha- yes those do indeed look like hickeys on Ellen's neck 👀I've been rewriting this fanfic with better grammar and longer chapters to make it more book like, it's from Patrick's POV only

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ahahaha- yes those do indeed look like hickeys on Ellen's neck 👀
I've been rewriting this fanfic with better grammar and longer chapters to make it more book like, it's from Patrick's POV only. Let me know if you guys would be interested in me uploading it :)

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