Chapter 3: Trailer Buddies

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- A Few Weeks Later -

It was 4:30 in the morning, she was due on set at 7:00 for their first day. They weren't actually filming today but were going in to meet the whole cast and have a tour around the set.
She arrived on set 5 minutes late, she had underestimated the time it would take to drive there and had gotten caught in traffic. She walked on set and saw a group of people standing in front of Shonda, they must be her new cast mates. Shonda saw her walking over and said 'And this is our leading lady', everyone turned around and there he was. Patrick turned around and they locked eyes, she stood next to him, 'Sorry I'm a little late' she said blushing. Shonda started talking about the set and what they'd be doing for the next few months, Patrick bent down and whispered 'It's nice to see you again', the feeling of his breath on her cheeks sent shivers down her spine, and she whispered back 'I'm glad you got the part', they smiled at each other. She didn't know why but he made her feel like she was 17 again, a bit of a mess.

Patrick left the house as quietly as possible, by some miracle Tal and Jill were still asleep as he drove away. He had never been this nervous for a first day on set before, they weren't even filming today but he still felt the blood rushing in his stomach.
He arrived on set a few minutes early, he looked around for Ellen but couldn't see her. He saw Shonda standing in the middle of the open set talking to a few people, he went over and introduced himself. A couple of women introduced themselves as Katherine Heigl, who would be playing Izzy Stevens, and Sandra Oh, who would be playing Cristina Yang. More people started arriving but he still couldn't see Ellen, Shonda cleared her throat and started to welcome us all. Just as she was about to explain what we were doing today she looked up and said 'And this is our leading lady', they all turned around and his heart began to race. They locked eyes and he smiled at her as she walked towards him, she looked up at Shonda and said 'Sorry I'm a little late' and looked back at him. He could see her cheeks redden as she stood next to him. Shonda started to talk again and when everyone was focussed on her he bent down and whispered 'It's nice to see you again', she looked at him and replied 'I'm glad you got the part'. He stood back up to his full height and smiled down at her, something about her seemed so familiar.

Shonda was showing them the set, Meredith's house, Derek's trailer and Seattle Grace Hospital. She then took them to their trailers and explained that they'd each be sharing with one other member of the cast for the first season, she started pointing at trailers and assigning them to people. 'Katherine Heigl and Sandra Oh, Justin Chambers and T.R Knight' the list went on until she said 'Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo', she looked at Patrick and smiled. They went to get their keys and walked over to the trailer, she opened the door and they went inside, it was small and dimly lit. It had a small bathroom to the right of the door and the kitchen/ living area was there immediately as you walked through, to the far left there was a small bedroom area with a bed and a partition to close it off. They looked at each other and laughed, 'I guess we could try and make it more homely, you know get some decorations' she said trying to make the best of what they had. He walked over to the closet and drawers and looked through them, he said 'That sounds perfect! You can have the top 3 drawers and I'll have the bottom two, and take as much of the closet as you want, I doubt I'll have anything but a couple of shirts and a jacket to put in there anyway'. She looked at him and couldn't help but want to run her fingers through his thick wavy hair, nobody had made her feel like this before. She started walking towards him, there was this inexplicable pull towards him. When she reached him he leant in closer to her, there were only a few inches in between their faces when she heard a knock on the door.

'Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo', his heart skipped a beat, he was going to be sharing a trailer with Ellen. He had to snap out of it, his wife and daughter were waiting for him at home. They walked into the trailer, it was tiny and dingy, they looked around and laughed. She said 'I guess we could try and make it more homely, you know get some decorations', he could tell she was the type of person with immaculate taste. He looked around and saw the tiny bedroom at the far side of trailer, he went to go look around it and saw the tiny closet and set of drawers and said 'That sounds perfect! You can have the top 3 drawers and I'll have the bottom two, and take as much of the closet as you want, I doubt I'll have anything but a couple of shirts and a jacket to put in there anyway'. She didn't reply and started walking towards him, the way she looked at him drove him crazy. He didn't know why or what he was thinking of doing but he couldn't resist leaning in closer to her. Her green eyes locked with his just as he heard a knock on the trailer door.

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