Chapter 49: Dirty Thoughts

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- The Following Week-

They were filming their last episode before their break for Christmas and they were getting closer and closer to Jill's due date. He was excited to meet the boys and Talula was excited to have baby brothers. He was also excited for the People's Choice Awards and the Golden Globes, the were both in January. He had gotten Ellen a surprise for Christmas that he thought she could wear for one of them. He wanted her to look good, he would also be spending the night with her (and Chris) since Jill would be at home on bed rest. He wanted to give it to her closer to Christmas so he was going to wait until the last day of filming.
He was sitting in Derek's trailer when the door opened behind him, he felt her hands go straight to his hair. He knew it was in the script but it was such an Ellen thing to do, her hands were always in his hair. He felt her lips against his neck, now that wasn't a normal Ellen move, usually he didn't give her a chance to since his lips were almost always on her neck and of not her neck then her cheek or her lips. It was nice, her lips were soft, pressing light kisses down to the base of his throat, he couldn't say his next line until she stopped, he would definitely mess up his lines and he could only concentrate on keeping the serious look on his face. The feeling of her fingers running through his hair sent shivers down his spine, the action turning him on. He looked down as she walked into the bedroom knowing that as soon as he looked at her he wouldn't be able to tear his eyes away. 'I'm standing in your bedroom, unbuttoning my shirt' she said, he couldn't help himself as he looked up, not taking his eyes off her nimble hand as it worked its way up the buttons. She stopped when there a couple buttons left, he could still see the majority of her flat stomach and he could almost feel his eyes glaze over with lust. He watched as she sat on the edge of the bed covering herself slightly with the blanket before shimmying out of her jeans. The sight of her long pale legs poking out from the bed only made him want her more. She unbuttoned the last couple buttons of her shirt and shrugged it off before getting into the bed, he didn't get to see much of her but all he wanted to do was walk over to her and get on top of her. 'And now I'm in your bed, naked' she said, smiling and winking at him, he couldn't help but smirk at her, thinking about all of the nasty things he wanted to do to her. All of her favourite things that left her moaning his name.

She knew that their onscreen relationship was taking a turn for the worst, she knew that they wouldn't be able to cope without touching each other, kissing each other for months so she hoped they'd sort it out. She was excited for the award shows coming up and was tempted to tell Chris not to bother coming, Jill wasn't going and it would be nice to go with Paddy, just the two of them. She doubted she'd be able to convince Chris without making it too obvious that she was basically choosing Patrick over him.
She walked through the door, shrugging her coat off, she put her hands in his hair, it wasn't technically scripted for a couple minutes but it was looking particularly fluffy and she couldn't help herself. She kissed down his neck, it was rough under her lips with stubble. She wasn't the type of person to display affection that often but it was nice to be able to show him, to kiss him, without him stopping her and kissing her neck instead. She smiled to herself, he usually couldn't take his mouth away from her neck, it was his thing. She ran her fingers through his hair, scraping his scalp lightly with her fingertips. She walked over to the bedroom, unbuttoning her shirt, 'I'm standing in your bedroom, unbuttoning my shirt' she said. The way he was looking at her well, she could tell by the look in his eyes that he was enjoying the show. She moved over, sitting on the side of the bed, trying to take her jeans off without exposing herself too much. But there were only a couple crew members that were filming, since he was enjoying it so much she showed him an eyeful of her legs before sliding them under the sheets. She undid the last buttons of her shirt with the sheets around her chest before she shrugged it off. His eyes had glazed over, a look of pure hunger took over him, all he wanted to do was fuck her and if she was being honest she was all for it. She said 'And now I'm in your bed, naked', she smiled and winked at him, knowing that it would drive him crazy. He shook his head at her before smirking at her, all she could think about was the time she surprised him with her playboy photo shoot outfit, all of the dirty things they did that night.

Season 3 Episode 21

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