Chapter 53: The Golden Globes, Patrick's POV

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- January 15th 2007 -

He arrived alone, when he got home from the PCAs Jill gave him a hard time, she had watched the whole thing on television and wasn't impressed that he had thanked Ellen before even mentioning her. She forgave him reasonably quickly after he said that he wanted to 'Save the most important person until last'. He greeted people as he walked down the red carpet, trying to get through the crowds to find Ellen as quickly as possible. She told him that she was wearing his dress today and when he asked her to send him a picture of it she refused, saying that she wanted to surprise him. At least it shouldn't be too hard to find her considering the brightness of the dress. He finally found her, she was facing the opposite direction but he could recognise the sound of her voice from a mile away. He felt a twang of jealousy when he noticed Chris' hand on her bare back, he knew it was stupid, he was her fiancé but he couldn't help it. He walked up to her and put his hand on her waist, she turned around and exclaimed 'Paddy! You're here!'. The grin on her face giving him an instant boost in serotonin, he leant down and kissed her cheek, 'You look more beautiful than I could have ever imagined' he said. It was true, she looked like an angel, the dress hugging her curves perfectly. 'I think it's the most beautiful dress I've ever worn, thank you Paddy' she said running her hand up his arm before turning to Chris. He greeted him, taking the hand that was on her waist and holding it out for him to shake. 'We should get going, our seats are waiting for us' he said holding his arm out for her to take, she looked at him before looking at Chris and walking next to him. He hesitated for a second at the rejection, he knew that it didn't mean anything, of course she had to walk with Chris but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. At least this time there were multiple seats in a row so when Chris and Ellen sat down he was able to sit next to her. He leant back in his seat, leaning on the arm rest between them, she leant towards him, her arm brushing against his. The small action felt like reassurance, like just because she had to walk with Chris she hadn't forgotten about him.
The awards started, Katie (Izzy) had been nominated and so had the show in general, everyone was focussed on the stage except for him. He didn't know what was wrong with him today, he couldn't stop thinking about touching her, kissing her. Perhaps it was because he hadn't had sex in months, not since the last time they were together, he made excuses for the first few months after Jill came back and then her bump had grown and he didn't need to make excuses anymore. Or it could be a mixture of his jealousy of Chris and the fact that Ellen looked incredibly sexy. He had to stop before he did something he'd regret but he couldn't help but place his hand on her arm, rubbing light circles on her forearm with his thumb. She turned her head towards him and smiled at him before leaning closer into him.
'Greys Anatomy', they won, again, they were doing well. He got up and waited for Ellen as Chris kissed her cheek, his hand went straight to her back, the feeling of her soft skin on his hands wasn't helping to keep his growing feelings at bay. Sandra joined them as they walked up the stairs and stood on the stage, standing between them as Shonda talked. He didn't take his eyes off of Ellen once, she looked over at him every once in a while, catching his eye. He could tell that she could feel the tension between them growing. They walked off of the stage, everybody was celebrating and smiling but it felt like torture for him, getting to be so close to her but not being able to touch her the way he wanted to.
They were standing in a line, interviewers asking the cast questions and Shonda was taking the lead. They started to talk about what all of the women were wearing, one of the interviewers tried to ask Ellen the brand of her dress but the others were still answering the first interviewer. He quietly responded 'Versace' and smiled to himself, only the best for his Ellie, Ellen then responded to the first interviewer. Everyone had been complementing the dress all evening, he had to admit that he was pretty proud of himself, but as much as he loved it all he could think about was taking it off.
They were drinking champagne, talking and laughing with the rest of the cast, his hand was roaming down Ellen's back and her arm was wrapped around his waist. He could see Chris looking at them and wasn't at all surprised when he went up to Ellen and grabbed her free hand, dragging her away from him. He smiled at her and she winced back before following Chris to talk to Katie and TR. He didn't take his eyes off of her or Chris' hand now in the spot where his was, jealousy bubbled up inside of him as he got lost in thought, 'Patrick, Earth to Patrick' Eric said trying to get his attention. 'Sorry, I was daydreaming what did you ask?' he responded, 'Daydreaming huh' Eric replied looking over to Ellen before giving him a knowing look. He wondered how long would be appropriate before he went over there to talk to her. He couldn't wait another second, he walked over and smiled, 'Ellen could I borrow you for a second' he said. 'Sure' she said giving him a concerned look before passing her glass of champagne to Chris. He lead her to a dark corner in a small alcove, far away from prying eyes. 'What is it Patrick?' she said raising her eyebrow at him, he couldn't stop himself from kissing her. She immediately started to kiss him back, her hands went to his hair and his to her waist, pushing her back to the wall. His hands roamed under the back of the dress, he could feel the goose bumps appearing on her skin as he kissed her neck. 'There you two are', they pulled apart and saw Shonda standing there looking at them, 'Please don't tell me I just saw what I thought I saw' she said shaking her head. They stood there in silence waiting for her to say something else, 'What were you thinking? Imagine if it was someone else that found you, imagine if it was Chris! And Patrick you have a pregnant wife at home' she lectured quietly. 'We just had too much to drink, it was a small slip up, the only time it's happened' he said, 'We promise it won't happen again, please don't tell anyone' Ellen added. Shonda raised her eyebrow knowingly and said 'Get back to the cast, but this is the last awards that you'll be going to together, after this you two can't be trusted at such high profile events together'. They nodded their heads and thanked her, how could he have done this, the feeling of guilt washed over him, at least Shonda was lenient with them. He watched Ellen go over to Chris, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her before they turned to leave. Had he really messed up that badly that she was leaving this early. He just hoped he hadn't ruined everything between them, they had been doing so well, they hadn't slipped up once. They'd done worse on camera, what even counts as an affair when you kiss your costar almost everyday anyway?

The Golden Globes in 2007 was the last awards that Ellen and Patrick were photographed together at...

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