Chapter 30: A Confession of Love

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- A Couple of Weeks Later -

He hadn't had many scenes with Ellen, she still came to his trailer every morning like they had agreed and they still ate lunch together most days. The little things she did making him crazy, the way she bit her lip when he watched her, the way she smiled at him with her eyes. He tried to keep his feelings discreet but Kate had started to pick up on them, he and Kate had become good friends, she would make jokes and say she 'shipped them' like their fans. He would roll his eyes and say he had a wife and that there was nothing between them, although recently he had been wondering whether leaving his wife would be that bad. Surely Talula would be better off with happy divorced parents than unhappy parents trying to be together for her sake? He hadn't talked to Ellen about it yet, he knew she had some sort of feelings for him but were they stronger than the ones she had for Chris?
He sipped on the coffee he had just made and waited for Ellen to come through his trailer door. She would be there any second and he had made her a coffee like he did every morning, except for the past few days since he'd been filming at a river with the guys. It was nice to get away from set for a few days, to clear his head and sort out his feelings. Although spending all of that time with Isaiah (Burke) wasn't fun, they had a rocky relationship, he was an arrogant ass who sucked up to Shonda. He heard the trailer door opening and put down his coffee. 'Good morning' he said smiling as she walked over to him, he leant down and kissed her cheek, handing her the coffee. 'How was your time filming by the river' she said smiling up at him, it had only been a few days since he last saw her but he had missed her and that smile. 'It was ok, I missed you though' he said watching her sip her coffee, 'Well luckily it looks like we will be together in pretty much every scene for the next few weeks, you'll be sick of me by the end of it' she said laughing softly. 'Like I could ever be sick of seeing you' he said smiling down at her, it was true they did have a lot of scenes that he was looking forward to filming. 'Did you see what we are doing next week? We are taking a bath together! The water better be hot this time' she said with her eyebrows furrowed. 'It's fine I'll be there to keep you warm' he said smirking at her, 'Oh I'm sure you will be' she said smiling at him and shaking her head.

He hadn't been on set for a few days, the boys had been filming out at some river. As pathetic as it sounded she had missed him, of course she still had Sandra on set but she usually spent so much time with him. Sandra had caught on and had started making fun of her for it, 'Are you still pining over your Mcdreamy' or 'God Ellen he's only been gone for a couple of days', she had tried to make excuses and laugh it off.
She got to his trailer and opened the door without knocking like she always did, he smiled at her and said 'Good morning', she had missed that smile. She stopped in front of him and he kissed her on the cheek like he did every morning and handed her a coffee. It was her favourite part of the day, she wasn't a morning person but their routine, well it was as close to a normal relationship that they'd get with each other. 'How was your time filming by the river?' she asked, she knew that he didn't get on that well with Isaiah and that he would have had to spend a lot of time with him. 'It was ok, I missed you though' he responded, she smiled as she sipped her coffee. 'Well luckily it looks like we will be together in pretty much every scene for the next few weeks, you'll be sick of me by the end of it' she said laughing softly. 'Like I could ever be sick of seeing you' he said smiling down at her, he always knew what to say to make her heart skip a beat. She remembered what she had read in next weeks script and said 'Did you see what we are doing next week? We are taking a bath together! The water better be hot this time' she said remembering the cold shower they took last year. 'It's fine I'll be there to keep you warm' he said smirking at her, 'Oh I'm sure you will be' she said smiling at him and shaking her head. She had to admit that she was looking forward to it, well what woman wouldn't look forward to being half naked in a bath with Patrick Dempsey.

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