Chapter 45: The Engagement

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- A Couple Months Later -
(10th of November 2006)

She woke up to Chris sitting beside her, her breakfast made and bought to her in bed on a tray. 'Happy Birthday' he said kissing her softly, she smiled, the last few months had bought them closer, knowing that her and Patrick couldn't be together made her give Chris more of a chance. She watched as he bought his hand out of his pocket and opened up a ring box, 'I've been waiting to ask this for a while now, but Ellen Pompeo will you marry me?' he asked sitting next to her. She knew that this was coming, she had been deliberating what she would reply for a while now. She loved Chris but he'd never be her Paddy and what would Patrick think about it? Not that she should care considering he was married with a whole family, but they hadn't spoken about it. She wanted kids and she was getting older now, she didn't want to miss her opportunity to have a family waiting for Patrick to choose her. She nodded her head and said 'Of course I will', holding out her hand for him to slip the ring onto her finger. 'How much did you spend on this?' she asked looking at the massive diamond her finger. It was way too big and flashy, it basically took up her whole finger, 'Don't worry about that' he said smiling at her. Did he not know her at all? Her style was much simpler, she didn't want to compare but Patrick would have never bought her something like this. She guessed it was fine since she would barely have to wear it anyway because of filming and perhaps he wouldn't notice if she didn't wear it out normally. Her phone buzzed next to her, it was Patrick texting her Happy Birthday, she was dreading telling him but she supposed she would have to do it that day.
She got to set early, the ring still on her finger, Chris had convinced her to wear it claiming that people might want to see it. She stepped into Patrick's trailer to find him already in there, her hand in her pocket as she walked through the door, 'Happy Birthday Ellie' he said smiling at her. He was standing next to the counter with a box on it and her morning cup of coffee, she walked over to him and said 'You shouldn't have gotten me anything'. He kissed her cheek and said 'Like I could not get you anything for your birthday!', she smiled and took a sip of her coffee. 'Paddy I need to tell you something' her left hand still in her pocket, 'Can't it wait until you've opened your present he said with that cheeky grin of his. She laughed before putting a serious look on her face 'Chris proposed to me' she said looking at him, she watched his face drop 'And what did you say?' he asked quietly, 'I said yes Patrick, we aren't going to work remember' she said. He stood there looking at her, she could tell that he was thinking it all through, 'I'm happy for you Ellie' he said, she could tell the smile on his face was genuine but she could still see the pain in his eyes. 'Now are you going to open your present or am I going to have to send it back' he said laughing, 'Fine, fine' she said smiling and picking up the box. She reached to tear the wrapping paper when he said 'What on Earth is that' pointing at her ring, she winced as she said 'I know it's terrible isn't it', he laughed and said 'Chris must have spent a small fortune on that'. She turned it around on her finger 'I thought he would have known that I'd want something simpler, you know, less flashy' she said grimacing. He laughed and said 'I think if I look at it too long it might blind me', she hit him on the arm, 'Hey careful now, that thing is basically a weapon' he said jumping away, 'You know I really do hate you' she said laughing at him. 'Just open your damn present' he said smiling at her, she took off the wrapping paper to see a Fred Leighton box. She looked up and smiled at him, he really shouldn't have, she opened the box to see a pair of earrings and a bracelet. The earrings were delicate and simple looking but clearly expensive and the bracelet was more of a cuff. 'Paddy they're beautiful, thank you' she said wrapping her arms around his neck, he really did know her way too well. 'I know the bracelet is a bit much but it went with the earrings' he said rambling a little, she laughed and said 'They're perfect, I love them'.

He really hoped that she'd like the jewellery he had picked out, he wasn't the best at these sorts of things but being married to Jillian for the past few years had meant he'd picked up on something at least. Besides he knew her pretty well, as long as he didn't go too over the top he was pretty sure she'd wear it and he knew that she wasn't big on necklaces. He saw the door open, she was in early today he thought, luckily he had already made her coffee so it was already waiting for her. 'Happy Birthday Ellie' he said smiling at her, she looked a little too serious, probably because she hadn't had her coffee yet. 'You shouldn't have gotten me anything' she said looking at the box sitting on the counter, he kissed her cheek and said 'Like I could not get you anything for your birthday!'. She smiled and took a sip of her coffee, 'Paddy I need to tell you something' she said frowning a little, 'Can't it wait until you've opened your present' he replied, he couldn't wait to see what she thought of it. She laughed before putting a serious look on her face 'Chris proposed to me' she said looking at him, of course he had, he would be stupid not to, Ellen was perfect. 'And what did you say?' he asked quietly, he knew the answer before she replied 'I said yes Patrick, we aren't going to work remember'. He knew that, he wanted her to be happy but he couldn't help but be disappointed, it meant that they really were never going to be together, 'I'm happy for you Ellie' he said, it was true but the pain still lingered. 'Now are you going to open your present or am I going to have to send it back' he said laughing, 'Fine, fine' she said smiling and picking up the box. She took her hand out of her pocket and he saw the massive ring on her finger, he said 'What on Earth is that' pointing at her ring, she winced as she said 'I know it's terrible isn't it', he laughed and said 'Chris must have spent a small fortune on that'. Surely Chris should have known that it wasn't Ellen's style at all, she didn't wear jewellery that often and since it was something she would be wearing so often he knew that she would have preferred something simpler. 'I thought he would have known that I'd want something simpler, you know, less flashy' she said grimacing, it certainly wasn't what he would have picked out for her. He laughed and said 'I think if I look at it too long it might blind me', she hit him on the arm, 'Hey careful now, that thing is basically a weapon' he said jumping away, 'You know I really do hate you' she said laughing at him. 'Just open your damn present' he said smiling at her, he watched as she took off the wrapping paper. She opened the box and looked at the jewellery inside, he watched her face trying to figure out if he chose the right things. He knew that the bracelet was a bit much but he thought that she could just wear it on special occasions. 'Paddy they're beautiful, thank you' she said wrapping her arms around his neck, he rested his head against her hair, breathing her in. 'I know the bracelet is a bit much but it went with the earrings' he said rambling a little, she laughed and said 'They're perfect, I love them'. At least he probably chose better than Chris did, well it wasn't hard, he could see the look on her face whenever she looked at the massive stone on her finger. His Ellie was way too delicate to have a ring that big, it was practically the size of her hand.
I think she really doesn't like it... I literally looked for over an hour just to find a picture of her wearing it...

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