Chapter 14: Mcdreamys Daughter

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- The Following Week -

Jill had been really tired recently what with Tal being only 3 and him working 16 hour days. He thought he'd try and give her the day off and take Tal into work with him. They left early that morning careful not to wake up his wife as he left the house. He wasn't in that many scenes that day and would be finished by 4:30 so it was the perfect day to bring her along. They pulled up by the trailer and he carried her and her toys inside. Ellen wasn't going to be in for another half an hour, he hadn't told her that he was bringing Tal with him but he was sure she would be fine with it.

She opened the trailer door to find Patrick lying stomach down on the floor, a barbie in hand and his daughter sitting next to him. She walked in and laughed as she said 'So we have a little visitor today', sitting down next to him and Talula. She picked up the barbie lying on the ground next to her and started playing with them, he looked at her with a big smile on his face and those Mcdreamy eyes. As if this man could get any more perfect. 'Good morning' he said kissing her cheek, 'Tal you remember Ellie right?' he asked. Talula looked up at her with those big blue eyes and nodded her head with a smile. 'Do you want me to look after her while you film your scenes today? I don't think we have any scenes together' she asked with a smile. 'You wouldn't mind?' he replied giving her his charming smile, she shook her head 'Of course not, I'd love to spend some more time with my favourite Dempsey' she responded with a wink. He gave her a hurt look  and she laughed at him and whispered 'Although you are a close second since you look so sexy playing with barbies'. He leant in to her ear and whispered back 'If you think that's sexy you haven't seen anything yet', he moved back and smirked at her. The feeling of his breath on her ear still made her blood rush to her face after all this time. She knew that they shouldn't be flirting like this, his daughter was sitting on the floor next to her.

He was playing with Tal on the floor of the trailer, her barbies were spread out around them. Ellen walked through the trailer door and he felt as though the whole world suddenly got brighter. She laughed and came and sat next to him, picking up a barbie, he couldn't help but grin at her. He propped himself up and kissed her on the cheek 'Good morning', remembering his daughter was sitting next to him he asked her 'Tal you remember Ellie right?'. Talula looked up at Ellen and nodded her head before continuing to play with her dolls. Ellen asked him 'Do you want me to look after her while you film your scenes today? I don't think we have any scenes together', he looked at her in complete wonder. She really was amazing 'You wouldn't mind?' he asked her, she shook her head and responded 'Of course not, I'd love to spend some more time with my favourite Dempsey' and winked at him. He faked a hurt look and she whispered to him 'Although you are a close second since you look so sexy playing with barbies'. God he loved their games, he leant into her ear and whispered 'If you think that's sexy you haven't seen anything yet'. He had read the script for the finale that they would be filming in a few weeks and excited was an understatement. They didn't have any scenes like that until then and well the prospect of it was extremely appealing to him.

Patrick was filming and she was walking around set with Talula on her hip. She was trying to think of something fun for them to do, 'Talula, do you like dressing up?' she asked the 3 year old. Talula's eyes lit up as she nodded her head, well that would give them something to do until Patrick was done with his scene. She took Tal into the wardrobe room, they had all sorts of costumes in there, and put her down and told her to choose anything she wanted to wear. Talula walked over to the racks and looked through them until she found a navy scrub top, she pulled it down and dragged it over to her. 'Just like Daddy' she said with her eyes wide, Ellen smiled and helped her put it on before picking her back up and taking her back to where Patrick was filming. He had finished and was reading a script before he saw them walk in, he stood up with a big smile on his face and walked over to them with his arms out. 'There are my girls' he said reaching over to take Talula, did he just call them both his girls, she looked around and saw the faces of the crew around them. 'I took her to wardrobe and she decided she wanted to be just like her daddy', she said with a smile, he gave her that look and leant down to kiss her cheek. 'Thank you for looking after her' he said with a smile.

There they were, he put his script down and walked over to them, 'There are my girls' he said while taking Tal from Ellen. He looked down at Tal to see her wearing a navy scrub top, he looked back up at Ellen to see her looking around before she said 'I took her to wardrobe and she decided she wanted to be just like her daddy' with a smile. He loved her so much, he leant down and kissed her cheek, her skin was so soft and she smelt so good, like lavender. 'Thank you for looking after her' he said with a smile.

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