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On my way up the stairs, I felt that mans presence in the dark hallway. It's strong and overbearing, it's making my stomach hurt. When I spot him I look to the ground as I carry my plate toward Jaxon's room.

But I'm turned almost instantly and the mand arm goes over my shoulder.

"Come, join us at the table," he says scowling at me with his half-lidded eyes.

This is so uncomfortable.

Not only that but the man's arm is heavy and full of muscle and I'm scared if I object to his request I'll be crushed by his fist.

"So what brings you here?" he asks that heavy arm moving off of my shoulder and going to my waist.

Now i'm getting even more uncomfy!

I gulp and take in a deep breath as we continue to walk down the many stairs.

"Ah, I'm just here with your son," I announce. "Hm, you fancy him?" he asks.

"I am with him," I say. "Hmmm haven't been told this news, how long?" he asks with that deep voice.

His accent seems different from Jaxon's though, maybe they adopted him from England? But their accent isn't from around here.

But Harley also has the same accent as Jaxon so could Harley potentially be adopted too?

"Ah, nearly three weeks," I say.

He nods slowly and he's not even watching his steps his watching... Me.

When we enter back in the kitchen Jaxon tenses when he spots me after his dad lets go of me.

"What are you doing down here?" he frowns when his father walks away.

"He told me to join you guys," I gulp.

"Go back upstairs, if he knows anything he'll make dinner a nightmare," he says.

Jaxon's head snaps towards his father. "It's okay, I'll eat quickly then excuse myself, I don't want to be rude," I say.

He sighs. "You got ten minutes then it's best you go to my room."

I carry my plate over to the dining table and Jaxon follows behind me. The table is set with the plates and there are a few people already at the table like the girl from before and... Harley.

I fucking hate him.

Jaxon pulls a chair out for me to sit on and I place my plate on the nice placemat.

I sit down and thank Jaxon.

What did he mean before by 'if he knows anything he'll make dinner a nightmare'?

Jaxon sits next to me and I lift my leg over my other one, crossing them. He instantly puts my hands down and gestures I put my hands together.

Ohhh I forgot people actually say grace before eating.

I put my hands together and his father says grace then we all begin to eat. Just learned that Jaxon is a great cook.

This tastes so good.

It's making me giddy. It's savory yet sweet but not too sweet. I've never tried something like it before maybe it's something traditional in this family?

I literally wanna jump Jaxon it tastes so good.

The pasta is cooked well too and goes so well with this dish. The meat is tender and melts in your mouth, even the potatoes do too! The carrots are sweet and fall apart.

Jaxon uses a glass jug to pour me a glass of water.

"So, Jaxon how is Melissa?" His father asks. And my stomach starts to hurt.

"Ah I don't know I haven't seen her in a few weeks," he says. "I see you have your mantenuta here, will she be here often?"

"She isn't a mantenuta she is my girlfriend," Jaxon says.

"What about Melissa? She's not gonna be very happy about you choosing someone like Bella over her beauty, Melissa such sweet girl, gorgeous too."

"I don't want to be with Melissa," He says.

"But you love her, you said so yourself just two days ago."

"No, I didn't," He defends.

"Yes you did, I heard it, talking about some romance, you wouldn't shut up about how good she is in bed," Harley says.

"Shut the fuck up, that was Bella I was talking about and you know it, stop being such assholes," Jaxon scowls.

"You do not speak to me with such a tone I am your father!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't be such a dick, you know it was Bella I was talking about you's obviously just don't like Bella so you want to ruin what I have."

"I'm sorry mother is on the brink of divorcing you because you sleep around with countless women, but there is no need to ruin my relationship."

"You best be downstairs straight after dinner, Bella is no longer welcome, always disrespecting your family whenever a girl is around, stop acting like you didn't have one around just yesterday and you are saying i'm ruining your relationship when it's you who is."

There is a lower floor?

Good so this is like four stories, it must be the basement.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz