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Can I get 50+ comment on this update...

Feel free to point out my mistake...

(And from here to my extra enrolled students...bbyee to you guys😂❤️ )hehe I'm just kidding.


All eyes bulges out with that sudden click sound and a deep painful scream echoed, in background music was playing along the program and dancing rhythm connecting a beat to beat whole auditorium filled with loud buffer bass sounds still few of them heard that painful scream.

Dancing Couple partners who participated in dance program too ended up as partner moving their torse freely in a choreographed way five pairs of dance partner doing their best to win this round.

With that sudden click of sound and deep painful pain one partner looked worriedly to his partner in between competition that sudden burst situation one partner panicked vigorously as just looking at his dancing partner in a grave pain...he don't know what to do in this situation he can feel the pain in eyes of his dancing partner.

All cheering classmate senior gasped on this view they sighed dejectedly and feel sorry and worried for him few of them ran toward the floor to help him out.

"Are you okay?".... "your ankle?"... "should we back out?" one dancing partner asked to another one in worried voice as he knows well how much it painful when suddenly your ankle bent in during dancing he asked softly between ongoing competition...few professor and teachers who appeared as a chief judge of this fresher's party competition looked at that dancing partner as they well know that what had happened.

"No!... I want to continue this" injured partner said it in low voice anyone can feel his pain through his voice in between half of minute already passed away when his ankle bent in with sudden moves to till now.

"Are you sure Xiao Zhan?"... "it's not just ends here if we managed to pass this round then we have to do a couple dance in another round with the second finalist I don't think it's a good idea to continue our dance" Wang Yibo said to his partner as he tried his best to make him understand to drop this idea.

"Please I want to continue it let's don't think about what will happen next but can we end this one we will see whatever happens okk... please don't waste it because of me".

Wang Yibo hurriedly grabbed his dancing partner hand and tried his best to mug up with others moving steps to complete it in a best possible way without putting much pressure on Xiao Zhan...after managing their dancing steps and speed with others this round is finally ends up after two and a half minutes.

They all bowed before classmates and judge after finishing their round and went to back stage waiting for another announcement to know that whether they make it to go for further round or not.

Wang Yibo snaked his arm around Xiao Zhan's waist to support him and put his one hand behind his neck he literally scoops his body a little so that Zhan's injured leg don't even touched the floor...

Zhan tightened his grasped around Wang Yibo's neck and pressed his lips hardly to bear the pain and other helps him to bring him back to resting room... Haikuan and some of Zhan's classmate rushed into restroom hurriedly.

Yibo leaned down and Haikuan helped him to settle Xiao Zhan in chair, Haikuan called his department member to bring first aid box and infirmary doc as soon as Xiao Zhan settled down to chair...

Wang Yibo expediently brings a table and placed Xiao Zhan's injured leg gently onto it...he slowly and carefully opened his shoes and socks and rolled up his jeans length slightly.

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