Vol. 7 Ch. 37 Family

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Your POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Nora drinking a Redbull)

Ironwood's communicator beeps, and he puts his fingers to it, listening. Surprised, he said, "What? Already? Here? No, it's fine. Let him land. I'll deal with him myself." Qrow and Ruby looked each other, and then at Ironwood and Qrow said, "More Mantle problems?" Ironwood watched an airship fly by on its way to the landing pad and replied, "No. This one's an Atlas problem." The ship, which was bearing the Schnee Dust Company logo, descends onto a landing pad, where Ironwood, Team RWBY, and I were already waiting, with Team JNPR and Qrow standing further back. A ramp extends from in front of the ship's double door, which opens to reveal an angry Jacques Schnee. As soon as the doors begin to open, my father started talking as he made his way down the ramp, saying, "So let me get this straight, James. In addition to this nonsensical embargo of yours crippling my business, you've also decided you have the authority to commandeer private property?" He stopped in front of Ironwood, who calmly stared at him, arms folded behind his back. Jacques continued as he aggressively pointed at Ironwood, "When the Council hears about this, you will never─"

Ironwood cut him off and said, "Actually, I've already informed them. As this is now the site of a classified military operation, it didn't even require a vote." Jacques asked, "Didn't require a vote?!" Ironwood replied, "You might want to brush up on Council law before you lose this upcoming election, Jacques. Now. I've allowed you to land here once as a courtesy. The next time, it won't be a friendly reception." My father glared at Ironwood and said, "Lately, you seem to forget who your friends really are. I'm going to get that Council seat, James, and maybe then, you'll─" He became distracted, his eyes widening when he realized that not only was my twin sister present, but that I was as well. My sister and I stared at our father for a moment. He was the first to speak and said, "You..." He walked past Ironwood, glancing at him as he does so, and said, "You roped my missing daughter and my supposedly dead son into these schemes of yours, too?" He turned back around to look at Ironwood and said angrily, "How long has she been back in Atlas? Better question, how long has my son been in Atlas? How long have you known that he wasn't dead? Did Winter know about this?" Weiss became annoyed and stepped forward to Jacques, and said, "It was my decision to come here. Just like it was my decision to leave. Or have you forgotten all about that?" Jacques replied, "If you think I'm one to forget anything, girl, then you've misjudged the man your father is." I spoke up with attitude and said, "Believe me, we both know exactly the kind of man you are. It's one of the reasons why I'm glad that your search parties didn't find me."

He replied angrily, "How dare you two speak to me that way!? I have half a mind to─" Ironwood cut him off and said, "Half a mind to what, Jacques?" Jacques narrowed his eyes, then adjusted his cuff link, sighing angrily, and said, "You know... your mother was devastated when you left. But not as nearly as much when she heard you were dead, Y/N." Weiss began to look upset and Jacques continued, "Didn't leave her room for days. You know how… she gets... when she's upset." Jacques acted sad while he speaks, taking a moment to peek at Weiss' reaction. Her eyes glimmer with sadness, and she looked down, frowning. Ruby looked upset, and Blake, Yang, and I glared at Jacques, Blake and I glaring far more intensely than Yang. Jacques smirked as he turned to face Ironwood again and said, "I knew one day, you would overextend your reach. I didn't come here to beg for an abandoned mine. I came here to thank you…" Weiss looked around, noticing that her teammates and I have come to her side. Blake and I each held her hand and Blake gave her a comforting nod. Then my father continued, "...for personally handing me the noose to hang you." Blake and Yang glared at Jacques, while Ruby and I looked at Weiss with a smile. Then Jacques said, "You'll regret this."

Jacques turned to look back at Weiss and said, "So these are the little friends you threw everything away for?" Shaking her head, my sister answered, "Not friends." Ruby looked at Weiss, frowning a little, and Weiss looked at Jacques and said, "Family." Ruby smiled wide, and Yang smirked. My father replied, "Hmm..." Jacques returned to his airship and began to take off. Ruby, Blake and Yang looked at Weiss and I with concern, while she exhaled and dropped her strong and confident facade. As the ship flew away, a truck arrived on the platform and I said, "Thank god, he left." Once the truck came to a stop, Winter opened the passenger side door and peeked out at the ship. With a joking smile, Weiss said, "Oh, now you show up, Winter. You just missed father."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This book is getting close to the end. Since Volume 8 isn't finished coming out, I won't be doing it. There'll be a couple more chapters in this book before I finish it. So don't forget to vote for the next book.
Master out.

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