Vol. 2 Ch. 9 Torture

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Ozpin's POV

After Professor Goodwitch had explained the situation to me, I opened up the security system and found that there was a slight breach by one of the gates. I reviewed the camera footage from last night and I saw two figures carrying Y/N, who was unconscious, out of the campus. One of the figures matched Weiss' description of Tina Diam perfectly. I enhanced the footage and used facial recognition to reveal that it was indeed Tina with the help of her stepsister, Cherry Diam. The two of them had quite the record. I turned to Goodwitch and said, "Okay, well I think that Team RWBY should be the one to rescue their friend. With the help from the VPD (Vale Police Department), they can rescue Mr. Y/N Schnee and put Tina and Cherry Diam in prison where they belong." Goodwitch nodded as she pulled out her tablet and tapped on a few things. Then she said, "I'll go inform them and get things coordinated." I smiled as she entered the elevator and I took a sip from my mug.

Your POV

I woke up completely shirtless with my hands cuffed to a bed. I looked around and realized that not only was I not in my dorm, I wasn't even in a dorm room. Where the hell even am I? I thought to myself. And how the hell did I get here? The last thing I remember was... being knocked out by Tina! That crazy obsessive bitch! As if on cue, Tina walked into the room and said, "Oh, Darling, you're awake! How wonderful! I'm so glad you're awake now." I growled and said, "Tina, let me go!" She shook her head and replied, "Not so fast, my love. We haven't even had our fun yet. I just can't wait to be a mother with you." She got completely naked and pulled off my pants and my boxers. She cuffed my legs to the end of the bed and started to stroke my member until it was hard. She smirked and said, "How long have you been hiding this? I don't really care, because now it's all mine!" Then she aligned her entrance with my now erect cock and slammed herself onto it, causing her to moan loudly. No matter how much I struggled, she just continued and started to bounce even more on my cock, making her moan as I begged her to stop. After we both climaxed, Tina ran her finger across my chest and said, "I hope you got me pregnant, my love. I can't wait to have your baby." She put my boxers back on me and kissed me on the lips. When I didn't kiss back, she got angry and punched me in the ribs. I gave her a disgusted look. She got furious and left the room. Then she came back with a hammer and hit my ribcage once more. She hit it so hard that I could tell that she'd broken 1 if not more of my ribs. I laid there in agonizing pain and said, "I will never love you, you crazy bitch." She got furious and punched me in the face, knocking me unconscious.

Tina's POV

Y/N will be mine! I thought to myself. He's mine and only mine. Eventually he'll know eventually that his only choice is to love me. Even if I have to torture him until he realizes it.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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