Contest part 2

Start bij het begin

"I think he is ok. Nice to have another guy on this team. I was getting lonely. Being the only guy that is." Shadow said.

"I...I think I really like him..." Winter said blushing, The others caught on to her blush and how she stuttered.

"Awwww! Winter likes Ryu!" Pika said, a smile on her face. Shadow just smiled and raised a eyebrow at Winter, a humorous glint in his eyes.

"Winter and Ryu sitting in a tree, K-I-S-" Fly and Pika sang. They all stopped when they heard Ryu mumbled before shifting so that he was on his other side, his face facing them. They all looked at each other and sighed in relief. They didn't want to have to deal with Ryu's wrath if they woke him up.

"We will finish this another time." Pika said, looking at all of them. They all nodded, agreeing. They all walked to their favorite spots and fell asleep, joining Ash and Ryu in dreamland.

The next morning

POV: Ryu

Ryu yawned and opened his eyes. He saw that everyone else was already up and saw that Luna even went and got him his favorite breakfast. Smiling, he pushed the covers off and floated up. Fixing his fur because he had bedhead. He looked in the mirror. Seeing that it was the way he liked it, he went back to the matter at hand, his empty stomach. He noticed that no one knew he was awake yet and was about to say something when he saw the girls whispering to each other. He was about to go invisible to...listen on what they were saying when his stomach ruined that plan for him, making a loud, growling noise. The girls stopped whispering and looked at him. Smiling they waved at him. Once he saw that they stopped whispering he realized they were talking about him. Tilting his head, he was even more curious as to what they were talking about. He was thinking of going into their minds to find out but he remembered that they were also telepathic. Meaning that they would know if someone was searching their head. Sighing, he mumbled something incoherent and went back to his food. After eating it and giving Luna his plate, he floated towards the window. He kept thinking about his dream. It had his parents and him but he was a Shadow Mew in it. They talked for a while and they told him how proud of him they were about how he became the world's guardian.

The girls, seeing Ryu looking out the window with a blank stare, all came up to him and looked at him with concerned looks.

'Are you OK Ryu?' Pika asked in her normal talk. Ryu snapping out of his state, he turned around and saw the girls looking at him. He put on a smile

'Yeah Pika...I'm fine.' Ryu said, no emotion in his voice. The smile barely meaning anything. Glancing at the clock, he saw that they would have to leave soon. Looking around the room, he saw that Luna left.

'Hey...Where did Luna go?' He asked.

'She went to take a shower. Speaking of showers you could really use one Ryu.' Pika said, laughing. Ryu blushed and smelled his fur. His head instantly snapping to the other side and he coughed.

' kidding.' He said, laughing as well.

"OK Ryu, Ash you ready?" Luna said coming out of the bathroom with new clothes on. Ryu looked at her.

"I smell like crap. I'm going to take a shower then I'll be ready." Ryu said, flying into the bathroom and slamming the door closed, locking it at the same time using his powers. After about 5 minutes, he came out of the bathroom. His fur shiny and head fur being pushed back to normal as he walked. He saw that everyone was recalled except for Pika and Luna standing in the middle of the room. Seeing Pika not in a ball reminded him of something.

"How come Pika never goes in her ball?" Ryu asked. Luna, realizing where he was coming from, nodded.

"She doesn't like it in her ball. I keep you out because its fun to talk to you. You're funny." Luna explained. Ryu smiled at the complement. "You're going to have to return me anyway so just do it now. I can't just walk...float out onto the stage." Ryu said, telepathically. Luna nodded in agreement and pointed his custom ball at him.

Pokémon: Shadowed DestinyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu