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Like this, a month passed. Sumedh had deeply fallen for her and he almost thought about her all the time. But still he was unknown about his feeling. But he had accepted that he had been changed after that night. Mallika also felt comfortable around him and liked him but she was also unknown that she felt something for him.Sumedh always made fun of her. During this time, Sumedh had told her many times to come at his house but Mallika always refused. Sumedh was confused about it but he didn't tell anything. Mallika also wanted to meet them but she didn't as she knew her problems could affect them which she certainly didn't want. She also maintained her professionalism in company.And if Sumedh asked about her personal life, she always changed the topic .Sumedh had now clearly understood that she was suffering from a problem but she wasn't telling. But he didn't want to force her to think that she would herself opened up someday when the correct time would come. And Mallika had broken all the relationship with her family and gave the money(for the apartment)back to his father.

It was a very important day for MUDGALKAR CREATION. They had got an offer of a big project for which they had been working very hard since the last week. Their presentation had been completed fully. They all were ready for the client meeting.

Sumedh was discussing about it with his employees.
Suddenly, his PA Ms.Chala said,
"There a great problem has happened, Sir. The main model of our company means Ms.Sofia was not coming today "

"What?" Sumedh said frustratedly.

"Yess Sir, she has recently informed that she couldn't attend the meeting for being unwell. So , what will we do now Sir? She's the main model who will present the 1st level designed dress" Chala said.

"If she is ill then we can't do anything. Oh!It's not possible also to arrange a perfect model within this short period. What will we do now , we have only 2 hours for the client meeting. " Another employee exclaimed.

Everyone present in the meeting was tensed and they were thinking how to manage the situation. Sumedh was continuously thinking and roaming in his cabin . Mallika also couldn't get any idea to control this state.

"Idea!Yess,got it."
- Sumedh exclaimed joyfully.

Everyone was shocked and then became happy and curiosly asked about the idea.

He said,"Guys ,I think that one from all of u can be the model. It will be little difficult for u to adopt the habit of walking like a model. But we have not another way beside it. And we can't lose this big project as it's very important. But still I want to ask your opinion. So tell me who is agreed with it".

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From That Night | ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora