Part-13(This is us but she again?)

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( Guys, I'm sorry to inform that my freaking pre-test exams are starting on 16th March. So I don't know if I can give parts or not. But I am free at noon. Then I will try but I can't give updates regularly )

They both were sitting in the bed. Mallika was sitting keeping her head on his chest and he was also with her wrapping her in his protective arms. They were feeling great with each other.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing Monika there. They also separated but it was too late, Monika totally got shocked to see them on that position. So they both told everything to her including Mallika's life and their love toward each other. Listening everything, Monika smiled and congratulated by hugging them.

Like this some days passed, Sumedh and Mallika both got close to each other. Sumedh was all time with her in the hospital and he had taken care of her so much. He even managed to handle his office by video calling,conference etc from the hospital. He was with her for whole 24 hours.Aai and Basant also came to know about their relationship and they both were also happy to know it. They also knew everything about Mallika.

Now,it was the time for Mallika to be released. Mallika was so excited like a
kid to go out. She was thinking something while the door opened revealing her most precious thing in her life. Seeing him, she immediately sat up on the bed whining like a child and kissed on his cheeks. He chuckled at her kiddush behaviour and said,

"So now ,my love is going to be free after a long time?"

She nodded excitingly.

"Then would u like to go out with me, my Ms. Mallika?"

Mallika said nothing, smiled widely and hugged him buring her face in his chest.

Finally, they both went out to enjoy the day. They enjoyed the whole day together spending quality time with each other. They visited shopping mall, cafeteria,amusement parks and a restaurant.

Finally it was almost 9pm at night. Sumedh was driving the car and Mallika was sleeping on his shoulder.

 Sumedh was driving the car and Mallika was sleeping on his shoulder

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Mallika outfit

Mallika outfit

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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