Part-44( Molestation and rescued )

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WARNING ⚠️: There r some violence in this chapter. So those who r uncomfortable and whose hearts r weak, plz stay away from it.
"Hey, why have u braught me here?......leave me ......if u r really brave then atleast make me free.....then u will see what I can do......I will crush u into 2 pieces......."

Mallika who was tied with rope said angrily and the rage was completely visible on her eyes. Here Mahir was smirking to see her condition and exclaimed sarcastically,

"Oh my baby doll, will u cut us into pieces....?.....Ok let me clear u everything first......I hope that u know it very well that I and my company is the biggest competitor and rival of your hubby's company.......and for the first time when I saw u, I have fallen for from that day ,I want to get u ,I have to do it....."

He then exclaimed everything which he had done to create trouble for the company and to create misunderstanding between Sumedh and Mallika. Then he slowly moved to her with his lustful eyes 👀. Mallika started scrawling back .She still was trying to be free and said,

"Hey don't try to come near me ......I am married......plz don't do anything with me ......."

Now her voice became choked as she couldn't do anything if she wanted also as she was tied with rope. Her eyes were getting teary  to think the consequences . She was not expecting this from Mahir. When he saved her, she thought that he might not be that much bad at all. But she was absolutely wrong and she was just praying to the God to save her at any cost.

He came to her and sat on the floor smiling evily which made her shivered in fear and uncomfortable. He all of a sudden took her and threw her on the bed forcefully. He then tied her two hands with the bed sides. He roamed his finger from her mouth to her palm and forcefully intertwined his fingers with hers. Now she tried to push him but her hand was tied. She couldn't do anything, her whole body was trembling. Tears were constantly flowing from her cheeks.

He forcefully attacked on her neck and she threw her head on the bed. She never thought that she would have to tolerate this. Even her love had never forced her to do anything like that. He harshly bite her earlobe and neck making it bleeded. She screamed in pain. She was struggling by throwing her leg and constantly weeping to beg him for leaving her. But here he was busy in eating her. He slowly removed the pallu of her saree when Mallika's world stopped infront of her. She couldn't bear it at all. She was feeling extremely disgusting and disappointed. She was not understanding what to do. But in her mind, she was believing that God would surely save her.

Here he started licking her waist like a hungry beast. He was going more wild with it. He now attacked on her face when Mallika removed her face. Now he pinched her waist tightly making her moaned in extremely disgusting tone and started to kiss her face very roughly. Even Sumedh was never this much rough with her. Soon her vision got blurred and was closing her eyes when they heard the most unexpected voice from behind,

"Mahirrrrr dare u to touch my wife?"

Sumedh yelled with his lungs out while Mahir stood up being scared . He came towards him and pulled him by holding his collar tightly. He gave a huge punch on his chest and kicked on his leg making him fall. He started beating him badly and continuously saying,

"U brat, a bitch ( An/- I am innocent ) fucking bastard , I will kill can u try to molest my wife
........I will surely kill u......"

Now Basant along with the police came and started to remove him from beating him but he still was beating him hardly. Basant said,

"Stop Sumedh , he will be dead....."

"No I will kill him can he molest my wife......I will kill him"

Sumedh said and constantly beating him with his hard punch.

"Mr.Mudgalkar, plz be quite . We will handle it......"

The police officers also said but still he wasn't ready to leave him. Basant then said in a concerned tone,

"Sumedh ,leave him....and now Mikku is more important......."

Hearing the word "Mikku", he calmed down and stopped. The police officers took Mahir and his men with them. They also took Saujan and Ruma with them.

Sumedh went to Mallika who was lying in the bed and her neck as well as waist was bleeding. He was burst into crying seeing her condition . He then sat on the bed and made her head resting on his chest. He opened his jacket and covered her with it. He took her in his arms and he reached at home with Basant.

(An/- I am not describing the reaction of Aai and Monika and I am skipping some times. And yes, Mahir could do nothing extremely with Mallika. So don't need to be stressed. The description I have given, Mahir could do that only. Before do anything wrong, Sumedh has come. U will get to know how they came to know where Mahir was.)

Sumedh had informed the police officers about the fake deal, investment and kidnapping of Mallika too. He got to know what Rahul had done with Mallika through the CCTV footage of the office. He along with the police went in search of Mallika.

There was traffic jam on the bridge where Basant was also got trapped. He was in his car when he heard a cry from some random girl. He first ignored and then again heard. Then he carefully looked through the glass window. He then saw that a woman was trapped with some men who were holding her. He didn't realize that it was Mallika. But later, he decided to follow the car carefully so that they didn't understand. He was following the car when he got a call from Sumedh who informed him about the kidnapping of Mallika. Then Basant also told whatever he had seen. Sumedh suspected and told him to reach there asap and send the location. Soon Basant reached and found that Mahir was forcefully taking Mallika with him towards a secreat place. He sent the location to Sumedh and told him that their suspection was correct.

Then they also reached and Basant,Sumedh along with police officers arrested the men and lastly Mahir.

Hey guys, here is the bonus part. I wrote this part in the afternoon but couldn't publish for the net connection. So now I am publishing.

And truely, I haven't described everything properly in this chapter . It can be extended to 2 or 3 parts. But I think that I shouldn't make it more dramatic. And dear readers , kill me for making this part so boring .

I am sorry again for making Mallika in this state.

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