Lillione's Birthday

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"Hey, we better get some sleep" Lil said to her brothers,"Yeah. And Dray, try to calm down" Scorp said as they left Dray's room.

"Hey Scorp, we better comfort Dray a lot more than that" Lil told her brother,"Yeah. Poor bro,he really misses mum, especially as he was the first of the three of us to spend time with her" Scorpius frowned, "Night Scorp" Lillione said and entered her room.Lillione rested her head down on her soft warm bed. She imagined her birthday with Hermione, she thought it'll be a lot happier with her.

She slowly drifted to sleep.

The next day...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLIONE NARCISSA GRANGER MALFOY!!!" Her brothers surprised her the next morning." Good morning" she said sleepily, her two older brothers were holding their wrapped gifts for Lillione. "Here open mine first!"Scorpius said,"No mine!!"Dray said.

", sorry to disturb you, its time for breakfast.Happy Birthday Lillione!" Astoria greeted Lillione with a smile, Dray and Scorp froze. They all walked out of the room, "Thanks"Lillione smiled, "Um...This is for you Lillione"Astoria gave her a medium box wrapped in green wrapping paper and a pink bow on top." Thanks ...uh..stepmother"Lillione thanked her and went down. Astoria smiled at herself and followed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLIONE!!!" Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and the house elves greeted her." thanks, everyone!" Lillione had a big smile on her face."Let's eat!Astoria and you grandma made all of this. All of our friends will be coming this afternoon for your birthday" Draco said as he wrapped his arms around his little girl."Okay."Lil smiled as she ate.

Draco faced Astoria and smiled at her, he held her hand, Dray and Scorp saw it and gagged.

At Harry's house...

"Idiot! You better tell her!It's her birthday!" James told Albus,"Tell her what?"Albus acted as if he didn't know what his brother was talking about.

"That you like her bonehead!"James snapped, "Yeah, so that I'd have a new sister!"Lily said "It's hard being the only girl you know?"

"What's all the fuss about?"Harry came in, "Dad! He likes Lillione! He's only a year ahead of her right? You were too when you were with mum right?"Lily immediately spoke before Albus could make excuses.

"Yes. You have a chance but,wait till the right time to court her" Harry smirked, Albus's jaw dropped on what his dad said to him, his mind went like 'is he my dad?Or my love doctor?'.

"We're having lunch and dinner there, so you better face it" James said grinning and punched Albus on the shoulder. Albus sighed and scratched his head "I can't believe this".


"LILLIONE!!!!!" guests flooded into the manor,Lillione was there to welcome them.She wore a simple yet cute pink dress. She let her hair fall down to her shoulders.Alb us was feeling shy and nervous around her. Lucio was acting very normal. "I like someone Lil!"Lucio admitted to Lillione. Dray and Scorpius's jaws dropped .

"Really?Who?"Lillione asked with no sign of hurt or jealousy. "Lily Potter"Lucio whispered,Lillione was like"WHHOOOHOO!I KNEW IT!!". "Shh!"Lucio shushed her,"Oh,sorry" she covered her mouth and laughed. "Go on then talk"Lillione pushed him towards Lily.

"Not jealous are you sis?" Dray asked,"Nope!" she assured her brother.

Everyone enjoyed the party, they also wiped icing on each other's face. Albus' face was sticky because Lillione wiped icing on his face as big as her hand. "Get back here Lillione!"Albus chased her, his and her sibling were teasing them but they ended up getting thrown at with so much icing.

"Okay! Everyone settle down, time for gift opening" Draco announced.Lillione sat in front of everyone beside her also was a mountain of gifts.

"Let's start..."


From:Grandma Narcissa

From Grandpa: Lucius

From:Aunt Astoria



From:aunt Ginny

From:uncle Harry

From:Aunt Luna


I opened everything.But except the one dad gave me and the unknown. Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny got me books, aunt Astoria got me a mint coloured dress with matching shoes, grandma got me a book about a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, Grandpa got me broom...gosh. I better learn to use this thing. Dray got me books and so did the others, some got me art materials, some got me a bunch of clothes and hair accessories, but what I loved the most were two things. The book of dad and Mum, My ORIGINAL MUM, it was wonderful, and the Gryffindor and Slytherin necklace from unknown. I wonder who it is.

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