A u t h o r ' s N o t e

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Noori (full of light)

Written by: Anushikha

©Copyrights 2023

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Firstly, welcome, and thank you so much for opening my book, reading this note.

Now let me clear some things before you go and read my book, English is not my first language I would love it if you guys do not just go all Nazis at me for not knowing the facts and other stuff but trust me I will research before uploading the chapters as I did in my other books.

And this is a work of fiction, so characters, business names, and maybe some places, they all are just part of my imagination and all the pictures or if anything else like poems which I will be uploading later in the chapters isn't mine they are taken from the Internet. I take most of the pictures from Pinterest.

Before you guys go and read my book, be patient and calm guys because I'm just a writer who is trying to do her best no one is born perfect, and would probably take time in updates cause I have other things also to concentrate on I hope you guys will understand that.

This book is a mix-up of Hindi and English but mostly English.

One more thing guys I'm aware of Rajasthani culture or traditions but a little as I have resided in Jaipur for three years, so if any of you find some mistakes don't hate comments please nicely tell me, cause I always welcome suggestions and advice.

Now you may go and read my book, you can read my other books also I hope it won't be disappointing.

Thank you so much for reading my rambling.

Keep Reading, Keep Smiling

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Noori √जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें