- 17.

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Chapter 17: After Dark

"He wants to do WHAT now?" was Wilbur's reaction. He shook his head at an instant, ignoring the pissed off look on Tommy's face.
"Absolutely not. We are most definitely not having the entire group in one place, COOKING."

"But- It would be fun Wilbur! You know it would-"
"No buts, no ifs, no ands. We're not risking everyone's lives by setting the kitchen on fire!"
"Wilbur. We'll be careful, aren't the majority of you adults?"

"Yet it's always the kids doing the damage." Wilbur replied, his tone signifying the end of the conversation. He went to get his jacket and headed out into the main room, leaving me and Tommy disappointed.

"You said he'd agree!" I said, annoyed.
"That's what i thought he'd say." Tommy replied, also heading for the main room. I sighed. Talking to him was getting harder and harder.

I remembered the message i received yesterday. The guilt was eating me up inside, always finding a way back to torment me. I couldn't talk to my friends without thinking about it. I couldn't sleep at night without thinking about it. I couldn't do ANYTHING without thinking about it anymore.

It was me who ruined Tommy's childhood. Me who caused him to have such trust issues, me who made him doubt himself his whole life. He wanted to find the culprit, and rightfully so. But he had no idea that it was one of the people who he trusted most; me.

"Val? What're you doing in here still?" Tubbo's voice echoed silently from the door behind. I startled back to stare at him. "I'm so sorry! Did i scare you?" He asked guiltily.
"No, no of course not. Just a little lost in my thoughts, you know?"
"Yeah i understand that. I'm here for you if you need anything."

I smiled at him as he retreated from the room. I began to think about what would happen when the rest found out.

Would they hate me? Would they try to forgive me, grow from it? Would everything be ruined? Precisely so. I couldn't imagine anyone being willing to forgive me, especially after they all know the immense amount of pain I inflicted onto Tommy. But they didn't have to know just yet, right?

I began to drag myself to the main room, flashing a false smile at everyone.

"Val! Great news, Wilbur let us do it!" Niki and Tommy shouted at me as i entered the room.
"Really?" I said in all surprise, their looks of excitement being contagious.
"Yes! We did need Phil. But we all know how much Phil likes to do things with everyone! He was bound to agree." Niki said happily, silently thanking Phil.

"Niki's absolutely right. Why would i not let you all?" Phil said in all honesty, tying his apron.
"Maybe for safety measures?" George piped up, his head peeking from the doorframe.
"Good sleep?" Techno laughed. George nodded, not detecting the sarcasm.

George always made his presence well known. To be fair, we all forgot he was here until just now. He didn't show up yesterday at all.
"I was sleeping." George complained to me. "You can't blame me!"
"I can, actually." I said, eyebrows raised. "You live here."

"Besides the point." George finally said, accepting defeat. "Is Dream here?"
"Aw, Gogy looking for Dream?" Tommy spoke in all seriousness, George cringing at the use of 'Gogy'
"Yeah. I thought that was pretty clear." He rolled his eyes, and walked over to Dream who was helping with the supplies.

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒, TommyInnit Where stories live. Discover now