- 27.

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Chapter 27: A little risk.

whats life without a bit of


"huh?" val mutters after viewing the text on her phone. she immediately turns around to look at tubbo, who had already been looking at her originally. he smiled sweetly at her before returning to his conversation with ranboo.

this was not going to bother her again. annoyed, she switches off her phone entirely and shoves it into her pocket. if anything, she was done with the stalking, done with the messages, tired of it all.

"are you alright?" niki asks, noticing the gesture. val nods harshly, fixated on the sidewalk, vision blurred; why again? who hated her this much to continue doing this for months, regardless of the fact that they were successful the first time? they still wanted more? she shook her head, kicking stones along the path.

"are you sure you're okay?" fundy questions all while watching more rocks flying to the other side of the sidewalk.
"yes, i'm fine fundy. nothing important." she uttered. fundy was skeptical, but didn't press it further.

"we've arrived!!" wilbur noted excitedly, eyes glistening.
"you're like a kid in a candy store!" ranboo claimed.
"- or in a toy shop!" tubbo continued happily.

"or," another voice joined in. "you're watching my stream." val would recognise the accent anywhere. looking up, her eyes fell upon the tall blonde, who was smiling once he caught her eye.

"tommy!" she ran up to him almost immediately wrapping him in a tight hug. "i've missed you." val whispered into his chair, a chuckle echoing in her ear.
"right back at you." he whispered back, before pulling away.

the group was staring at them suspiciously, wilbur smirking most of all.
"anyway..." val began. "are we gonna go inside or?"
"oh right! the best part of the day!" he joked, opening the door. "guests first, amirite?"

"yes indeed wilbur. the mortals hold open doors." techno affirmed after stepping inside.
"i did not appreciate that comment!" he replied with a fake enthusiasm before rolling his eyes. techno shrug his shoulders in val's direction, making his own way through the arcade.

"ah god, i love a good arcade!" tommy admits, already going up to every game available to check out the machinery. "how are you, anyway?" he asked val, sending her a warm smile.

"i'm great! wilbur really wants to make this a great trip, don't he?"
"better now that i'm here? and obviously he is, he's wilbur soot."
"no, no. not that you're here, no one will get a good nights sleep from now on!" val complained, flopping onto a nearby couch.

"you say that like it's a bad thing. what can i say? it's just my killer personality." he insisted.
"what killer personality?"
"shit. you know me too well. my own lines don't even work on you anymore!"

"well, that's what happens when you tell me your lines!" tommy laughed at this, dropping a few pennies into a machine.
"say, d'you think i'll get this one?"
"aww, thanks for having faith in me!"

val snorted quietly, watching tommy struggle endlessly with the game. "what the fuck? why is this so difficult?" val rolls her eyes.
"here, watch the professionals doing it." she announced, pushing tommy's hands off the controls. instantly, she's on track and wins within a few seconds.

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒, TommyInnit Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα